Random Thoughts 2/18/11

Feb 18, 2011 05:00

1. To update on the doctor stuff, here we go. I went to the docs at 2:30 and we stayed there till like, 4 or 3:30. Roughly an hour or so, but we didn't do anything but talk and made future appointments, oi. 
- Dr. Paltzer (She's really nice) thinks I may have Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS). It's a condition that causes irregular menstrual periods and elevated levels of androgens (male hormones) in women. Meaning that multiple follicles (cysts) form in the ovaries but don't grow big enough to trigger ovulation, so the lining of the uterus doesnt know what to do and the lining and such can build up enough if not treated and cause Cancer. Not saying that will happen, but that is worst case scenario.
- It can also lead to Type 2 Diabetes.
- I show a lot of symptoms of PCOS. Irregular Periods, Weight Gain and Obesity, Acne and Insulin Abnormalities.
- If I do have anything, hopefully they will just put me on Birth Control. At first, at least.
- I have to go the the Womens Health Clinic on Thursday, The 24th at 7:50 am (D: Yeah, my fault for agreeing to that) Dr. Paltzer will explain to me what they are going to be doing with the next thing, a Pelvic Ultrasound. It's  just a long tube thing with a camera going in me, I think I can handle that, unlike the pap I couldn't finish cause it hurt to much. When I wake up to get ready for the doc's I have to drink 32oz of Water and not pee it. They need my bladder to be full for a good result of the Ultrasound. If I piss on the doctor, It's on her... Literally!
I then after the Ulrasound have Lab Work (Yes, Blood, Needles. -_-) I have to fast the night before. So I have to remember not to eat after 9pm. 
- I have another appoinment at the WHC on Wednesday, March 2nd at 1:45 pm. But that's just for the result's of my lab work.

2. Really? REALLY? Now people are asking wrestlers if there accents are real or put on for WWE? Kofi, You ruined everything -_- and here is what im talking about. I'm dying from laughing so hard. xD  http://twitter.com/#!/WadeBarrett/status/38483259289645056

3. Why do doctors and there receptionist insist on writing in an unreadable writing? Is it hospital code? Ya know, Lets make our patients go crazy reading our notes on top of whatever problems they have.

4. I do not know how mom deals with these doc appointment's when she has her's.

5. It is 4 in the morning and I am drained from today, but I got on the comp at midnight. blame mom.

6. I just had a thought of Levi as a gynecologist. D:

7. "I wanna fuck you hard. I wanna feel you deep. I wanna rock your body. I wanna taste your sweet. I wanna fuck you hard. I wanna feel you deep. I wanna ah-ah. I wanna ah-ah"

8. My boobs feel bigger, meh. They also feel really firm. Yes, I feel myself up. I'm such a sexy bitch.

9. One of my friends, Char, commented that the bathrooms in the gas stations where I live are nice. I took a pic of me in the bathroom (They had a really big mirror, I couldn't help it. Besides, I'm fucking DASHING!) Anyway, They are nice bathrooms, surprisingly. I don't think I've ran into a bad bathroom at a gas station.. Actually, maybe once, but that was in an unfamiliar out of town gas station.

10. Mom is talking about Me, Her and Ronnie going on a trip when mom gets her taxes. To my cousins house in Sheboygan and we can all shop there (Fashion Bug. FTW). She was also talking about going with My cousin and his girlfriend and Ronnie to Onieda Casino while I watch my cousins... Yeah, she offered it. I would gladly watch them, but it would be kinda nice to, ya know, ASK? But whatever, I digress.

11. Hawaiian Fruit Punch, FTW.

12. When the fuck is that season of Leverage coming in at the Library? D: Everything else is coming in (Most that I don't want to watch) except that.

13.  Ronnie is snoring really loud. I think I saw the curtain move. :P

14. My Cam finally came in. It works well, HD and the mic works perfectly on it :D

15. One of these days (Preferably when everyone is gone in the house) I want to do a vlog or whatever it's called.

16. Giggity, Giggity, Giggity!

17. I think my favorite character on Desperate Housewives is Bree Van de Kamp.

18. Hmm, apparently there is going to be this new WWE.com Feature called "Superstar Quarterly". It looks like it's judging on the Superstars fashion. But the first person that is gonna be featured is The Miz. :D
19. Yes, I am happy The Rock is back. I'm not going ape-shit crazy over it, but it is pretty cool he's back. Fucking censors ruining his fucking cursing.

20. I tried Muddy Buddies from Chex Mix. They're good, but I think I can make better, like I used to.

21. So, the Biebtard has been saying a lot of stupid shit lately (more that usual).
He said that Canada is better than America cause of Canada's Free Health Care and That America is evil - 1. That little twat should shut his trap, cause America is where he is, making his goddamn money. Were not the best Country ever, but he should at least respect where he gets his money.
2. As I said, America is not the best country ever, never was, never will be. We all have our problems. Some worse than others, but problems none the less. As my friend Kari has pointed out, Do they not realize how much they are putting there country in debt? Healthcare is expensive and when you have people going all willy nilly and using the Healthcare when they barely even need it (Not saying that some people don't, but im sure people like drug addicts and such are taking advantage of it) that is gonna put there government into the debt hole and they're gonna screw themselves sometime.

He said that he's against abortion and  that "rape happens for a reason" - I think no guy/boy has the right to talk or vote about abortion because they aren't the ones that have to have the baby in them and birth it. I don't support abortion. Yes, even if it's rape, I'd feel horrible taking away what could be a future life. I know, it would be a burden and a constant reminder of a horrible time, but the baby doesn't know that. But whatever, people's choices.
How in the fuck does rape happen for a reason? How would he like it if he got raped? would he just sit there and say.. "Oh, I did blah blah blah, I deserve it" I really fucking doubt it. Rape does not happen for a reason. It happens cause of low life douchebags who get a thrill off of forcing sex.  why don't he just abort himself and do us all a favor. -_-

22. I am legit asking this. Like, fucking serious. Has anyone ever heard of Cream of Sum Yun Gai? I am bullshitting you not on this. Ronnie said he seen it on a menu at some place and I can't find anything on it.

23. Levi is watching you masturbate.

24. Welcome to Cocking Fuckborough!

random thoughts

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