Random Thoughts 2/26/11

Feb 26, 2011 15:20

1. Watched Beavis & Butthead: Do America last night xD Ah, Pure comedy.
- It takes traveling all over America just to get a fucking TV. 
- You can travel over 100 Miles and you still wont be able to score. Hope you're reading this, Levi.
- These 2 remind me wayyyy to much of myself.
- "You must bow down to the almighty bunghole."

2. How is saying to someone "You're the spawn of Satan" really an insult? I'd be all. Oh yeah? Satan's my dad then, NOW WHAT?

3. I also watched Boondock Saints 2. Really awesome movie. 
- The 2 guys are pretty hot and have nice bodies and pretty nice asses too.
- This dude that became a main character in the movie had a serious mullet going on.
-  What is with the phrase "Getting caught with your pants down"? Ya know, Getting caught with your pants down may be a hell of a fun time. ;)
- It seems I will watching any movie/show if the people have accents. xD I can't resist!
- "How ya doing Fuck Ass? I'm Romeo."
- There is a guy in there that I totally recognized from the movie Lemony Snickett's: Series of Unfortunate Events. He tricked me at first cause he had a beard, but once he started talking memory kicked in.
- "Do these make me look gay? *holds up guns*" "Seems like you've seen 1 or 2"
- " Hard men, Doing hard work, Gives me a hard-on ... Not in a gay way or anything"
- NTS: When your gun jams, you're on call waiting.
- The Irish Greeting is to spray each other with Beer. Makes sense. Barry would love that. I think he would prefer it in his mouth than on him though... that's what she said.


5. My handwriting sucks balls.

6. My bro is twat. I was doing something while I was watching the movies last night and he's all "you arent watching" I'm like I CAN FUCKING MULTI-TASK!

7. I also had Brownie Batter last night. Our oven is broken and I was craving something sweet so we whipped up some brownie batter. I was hyper as a mother fucker afterwards. Made me stay up till 7 am, mixed with the movies.

8. I gotta remember my doc appointment on the 2nd for my results.
- I just thought of it. After my ultra sounds I got my blood taken. The chick taking my blood probably thought I smelt like vagina. xD

9. I fell asleep watching MacGruber cause it was like 7 am. It was good for what I seen but I was disappointed how much Jericho was in the movie. I wasn't expecting him to be in it that long but I was expecting him to be in it longer than he actually was.

10. I lost a follower on Tumblr last night. I think I should put in the info that I'm a mixed blog and that I re-blog a lot. I was on a re-blogging spree with Wrestling and a 30 Seconds To Mars fan unfollowed me. Im not mad at the person, whatever, barely knew them. I'm just kinda WTF at the reason why. I was on one topic for a while that they werent interested in so they unfollow me for it? o.O

11. "Your promises, they look like lies. Your honesty, like a back that hides a knife"

12. Why do people have to live off of drama?

13. I got fucked over by a friend a couple days ago. Well, was a friend. If they think that they can come back and I will forgive them for it, well guess again. I gave them enough chances to "have some time to themselves" and dealt with all that shit. It get's sickening. I am not a fucking toy you can throw in a box and bring back out when it's convenient for you. You're not the only one with feelings and problems. I do hope you find "friends" that will be flexible with your needs and wants. Cause I can't.

14. Fuck, I'm losing sleep over this question... I need to know the answer... How did CatDog go to the bathroom? O_O CatDog Centipede.

15. Kari, HE LOVES YEW!

16. "Will you swear on your life that no one will cry at my funeral"

random thoughts

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