Okay, I guess it’s bloggin’ time about a certain subject.
To say this right off the bat, I am aware my LJ is open, that plenty of people can see my posts. All my social networks are open for that matter. I have nothing to hide.
I have tried to reach out to people, I’ve gotten ignored each time, so why keep trying when I just kept getting ignored?
Jaycee, I am really sad that you decided to do this. I truthfully didn’t see your LJ post, I haven’t checked LJ in weeks, except for the few times when I posted a story, but I never checked my F-list.
You said I turned into someone that you wish to not know. I don’t think I did, I did change, I will admit that, but for the best. I felt like a doormat before, so it’s now a crime to get some courage and a backbone to stand up for myself? Yeah, I knew what I saying I twitter would probably offend some people, but don’t you think that half the stuff that you guys say annoys me? It does and Im usually quiet about it.
Those 2 Tumblr posts you made, yeah, I read them. But how were we supposed to know they were about us? We don’t just assume everything is about us. You said friends. If you want to make a point across, direct it, not go around using the word friends when you have plenty of them.
It hurt me when you said I talked shit about you. Uh, no we didn’t. If anything, I defended you. I fucking defended you when people told me to drop you, but no, I try to hold onto things, I try to find the good. But when I try to find the good in things, it seems to backlash on me every fucking time.
Im still mad about being banned from EW. I will admit that. Bobbi said to us on Skype one day that she wouldn’t ban us from the board, but what happened? The opposite.
When you said that I haven’t tried to contact Bobbi, I have. I remember Bobbi being mad that I unfollowed her, I only unfollowed her cause I felt like she didn’t want me around anymore, I HAVE tweeted her and she ignored them.
When you said that we never tried to talk it out. I didn’t know I needed to give an invitation to come on Skype. It was there for use, I was always on it. I would tweet the #Skype hash tag, that should have been a sign that I was on.
I can’t read minds, I thought everything was fine, I didn’t know that you had a problem with me. I seriously didn’t.
I will admit, It felt as if we split into two different groups. And we’re losing contact one by one with the EW group.
I was thinking, you said you were disappointed that we didn’t have your back, you didn’t have ours when Bobbi did that thing to us. So think about that.
Yeah, you guys have your reasons for doing the things your did, some of them are true, but some are also totally bull.
Bobbi, when you dropped us, I will admit that it felt like a weight was lifted off of me. It felt that I couldn’t really talk to you about problems. You kept telling us that we were to negative and that we needed to change things. But you were just as much fault for taking everything that we said about you when most of it wasn’t.
We felt like we couldn’t say what we wanted to say around you with out you tearing our heads off about it, while you could say what ever you wanted. You would tell us that we should learn to say what we wanted, to be ourselves, but when we did, you would yell at us for it and say that we said things to spite you.
Just to say this to everyone, not everything I say is about you. My life doesn’t revolve about one person only. I don’t want to base my social sites on fucking drama.
I’ve learned to be myself, I truly have. I am sick of hiding everything I think. I don’t yell at you guys for having an opinion. I’ve had little tiffs with you guys and talks back and forth or whatever you call it, but I meant it in having a good talk, not talking down to you guys. *shrugs*
I’ve kinda gotten over you guys unfriending me. If you guys can’t handle how I truly am, then maybe we shouldn’t of been friends like ya’ll suggested. So maybe this was for the best. I just don’t like the bitter after math of it. That there will probably not be closure.
I’ve been used to in my life of being dropped by people. I don’t show emotion much, so that automatically makes me a bitch. My two auto defenses are humor and being a bitch. That’s why I go into auto bitch when you guys drop me, cause I’ve been so used to this same ole bullshit, different setting and people.
You guys say that I don’t care, I actually do, sorry that I don’t show it well. I also have shit im going through, I may be dying/have cancer and you guys don’t seem to care.
I am sick of being a doormat and having me be quiet just cause people say so. You guys say I’m negative, whatever. I don’t think I am, I am sick of playing little miss sunshine that only has nice things to say and cant say anything negative. You all say negative things too. I think im being realistic, if you can’t handle it, then either talk to me about it like a mature person, not indirect tweets, or tell me straight out that you can’t deal with me and that we can’t be friends anymore, Cause im sick of this random, out of the blue drop shit.
If you have something to say, say it to me directly.
So this is an open invitation that if you can’t deal with me, my opinions or whatever else and that we shouldn’t be friends or if we just have a problem that isn’t being talked about, tell me now so we can either talk out or end the friendship. Cause it’s not a real friendship if it’s one sided.
I probably missed quite a few topics, but my mind is so fucking frazzled from this drama that I can barely think properly.