I'm cold. >:T But I have to have the fan on aiming at the back of the computer or else it will overheat and shut down.
Finally getting around to watching the recent ep of Glee.
Blargh, can it be February yet? I wanna sign up for the online high school.
If I take all the classes mixed with the ones I have to take and the ones I picked out,that would be around 19 fucking classes. D:
Oh my god, Rory is fucking killing me tho. xD
"You know what trash talk is?" "Is that were you talk about trash?"
"Excuse me, I've never heard of this game of dodging balls before. What are the rules?"
'Hit Me With Your Best Shot/One Way or Another' Mashup.. I highly approve!
What the fucking fuck? -_- T_T Poor Rory.
God, they made Santana fucking annoying this season. There is being a bitch, and being an annoying bully, and she's acting like the latter.
I don't feel sorry that Finn pushed her out of the closet. It's karma for how much of a bully she's been to everyone.
I don't really approve of forcing people out of the closet, but Santana had it coming to her. I don't think Finn meant it for others to hear, but they were in a hallway and Finn needed something to shut her up after all the nasty shit she says about everyone else and him.
AWWWWW Daddy!Puck. T_T
OMG. The mashup that New Directions are doing. dgkngojdsgjndsjkd (I don't know the names of the songs. xD)
xD OMG Blaine/Mustache
... Rick "The Stick"? ... Er'kay.
AWWWW KURT T_T ... and that was actually a kind of cute Klaine moment. "I refuse to be bullied" *Blaine nods as he listens to Kurt*
T_T Kurt/Rachel friendship, Y U SO CUTE?!
Quinn is another one I've been not liking this season.
>:T You fuckers, I dont wanna feel sorry for Santana, but that was really low to put it out in a political ad.
Hmm, the Trouble Tones Mashup isnt that bad.
... Now I don't feel sorry for Santana anymore. -_- She fucking slapped Finn for no reason just cause she assumed, when it was a chick (Sue said it was the candidates NIECE) that ratted her out. 2 people that I spotted turned around, a dude and a chick. it was probably the chick cause they even lingered the camera on her.
I wasn't planning on blogging out me watching Glee, but I guess that's what just happened. xD Oh well.
e_e Why do I keep listening to Karma Chameleon?
Happy that I completed that story last night, even though I don't think it's that good, but whatevs.
Apparently Fine Young Cannibals got driven too crazy by that chick and turned into the Candyman. D: