WooHoo! Just got caught up on Sons of Anarchy after annoying Toni with it for a couple hours with my commentary of wanting to kill everyone in the show. xD
Don't know why I am listening to 'Wake Me Up Before You Go-Go' again.
Looking for FanFiction to read... finding nothing worth reading at the moment though. >:T
I'm warm, I'm cold, I'm warm, I'm cold, I'm warm, I'm cold. Blah, body, pick a fucking temperature already!
Neglecting the Role-Play again. My creativity needs to come back to me. D: It's like it died after the Dameron fic.
I hate when I have a dream, I don't remember what happens, but know that it was fucked up/funny/scary/etc. That happened yesterday and I know it was fucked up in some way.
Bloody hell, accidentally got my finger caught on my lip ring, that didn't feel too well.
I still don't know why Blaine sang a lesbian song, but okay.
Blaine, you were never a little girl, have a seat.
I guess we're not doing anything for Thankgiving or Christmas. :\ We can't afford it when mom can barely even pay bills.
*inglip* OH YEAH!
I got invited to a teen dance club in Appleton by a chick I grew up and went to school with. Uh, yeah... no. I hated mostly everyone in school and they hated me, and I know she's still friends with a majority of them. I am also very awkward in social situations. So that would be a hell no.
Could you be any more fucking annoying? -_-
2 things need to hurry the fuck up - Pottermore opening to the rest of the people & February.
I was looking for the Beginners Algebra thing I saved to my favourites and the thing is called 'Virtual Math Lab'; I thought it said 'Virtual Meth Lab'. xD
>:T Still pissed they fucking killed off Kozik like that. Really? Getting blew up by a mine? *facepalm*
Clay needs to die.
So does Unser.
and Tara.
*looks at long list of people who need to die in shows I like*
Poor Opie keeps getting fucked over. First they tried killing him, but end up killing his wife. Then they go and kill his Father. All by the hand of Clay and his non-thorough thinking. Too many people die because of Clay's assumptions.
Also too many people died because of Tara's dumb ass. If she kept her nose out of others business with those letters and left when Jax gave her the free pass out, she would still have a solid career, Kozik and Piney wouldn't be dead, Tig would still be in the club, Clay wouldn't of beaten the shit out of Gemma, and Clay wouldn't be tearing his own club apart single handedly.
But the good part is that everyone wants Clay dead.
Even though I'm probably wrong, I have a bad feeling about what Otto is doing. I think he's planning on framing Lenny for ratting. It kinda makes sense. When people agree to rat, they get special privileges - Lenny didn't have yard or visitation rights, and now Otto wants him to have those rights? Otto knows he's going to die anyway, so he wants his execution date pushed up so it doesn't either 1. make him look suspicious, or 2. he can't face SAMCRO knowing he will be ratting them out. I'm probably wrong, but it's just a theory.
Goddamn, there are a lot of Stephen King movies that I need to see. I looked up a list when I was looking up something on Rose Red, I love that movie.
I happen to love movies that are long. xD Harry Potter, Titanic, Rose Red. e_e
Blah, now im cold and feel like shit.
It's funny how when someone points and calls out crazy fangirls who think they stand a chance of dating/marrying/fucking their favourite celebrity, there is always that idiot that defends them. Uh, yeah, cause im sure these people like to know that these crazy bitches want to fuck them and want their significant other to die if they have one. I seriously do not know how the fuck you defend that bullshit. But whatever, birds of a feather flock to delusional cunts.
Next time, we eat pyrotechnics.
Next time, we fast - just kidding, we're eating Ramadan.
Next time, we eat sellouts; we eat while selling out.
I like Rebecca Black. I don't give a fuck. I'm not even sorry.
Goddamn, it's almost 9 in the morning and I haven't slept at all since I got up around 2pm yesterday.
I wish it would storm out really hard sometime soon. I love rough storms so I can just lay in the dark and listen.
Dammit, got into the habit of chewing my nails again and now I have a hangnail that hurts.
Okay, im done with the le long thought list. Have a GIF.