Hello... I am a lurker who started to read about VF fanfic this month. I'd like to read more of your VF fanfic. Add me please... *try to make Aki kitty face*
Oh, my LJ is really only for reading VF and yaoi. As I am not a gifted writer, I haven't had any post in my LJ. Heck, I even haven't left any comment in any of the fanfics that I read. Tho I enjoy them a lot...
I just read your profile and all through it I was either nodding, laughing or some other form of agreeing/enjoying behavior... I cannot remember how long ago you friended me, nor do I know why (though I'd love to know lol) but I'm friending you back! ^^
Didn't really need to say I am, but honestly that's a great profile and it deserves a positive comment! Not to mention I'm still curious about what the person who wrote that has on her journal >.>
Sry if some or all of this doesn't make sense... its 6 am... lol
hahaha thanks! I have entirely too many friends on LJ these days, so I don't remember when/why I friended you; probably because you joined LL discuss (which I swear I will get back to, one of these days...) I'm wicked ADD, so I'm kinda on and off LJ. Sometimes I'll post a bunch of stuff and then nothing for a while. But I'm glad at least my profile looks productive! ^__^
oops, I just realized that I gave you the wrong information... my fanfic journal is sea_priest3ss, with a "3". *headdesk* Yeah. Well. There is is, if you were wondering...!
sure thing... my fanfic journal is sea_priest3ss. Most of my stuff there is unlocked, but I can add you there as well (once I remember the password, that is...) ^_~
Comments 23
Oh, my LJ is really only for reading VF and yaoi. As I am not a gifted writer, I haven't had any post in my LJ. Heck, I even haven't left any comment in any of the fanfics that I read. Tho I enjoy them a lot...
I just read your profile and all through it I was either nodding, laughing or some other form of agreeing/enjoying behavior... I cannot remember how long ago you friended me, nor do I know why (though I'd love to know lol) but I'm friending you back! ^^
Didn't really need to say I am, but honestly that's a great profile and it deserves a positive comment! Not to mention I'm still curious about what the person who wrote that has on her journal >.>
Sry if some or all of this doesn't make sense... its 6 am... lol
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