Minnesota trip. April 3-6.
Our rental car.
We had lunch at this place.
It was all organic and healthy and nice.
See? Colors.
Aah. Roseville : St. Paul :: University Place : Tacoma.
My mom is cute.
So is my cousin Eric, but in a dorkier, impish way. Notice the shirt.
That's me, Eric, and his sister (therefore my other cousin)
Jamie outside of the nursing home. It's blurry.
A little presentation shelf-type thing outside my
grandpa's room. That's us at the bottom.
There he is!
Conversing, sorta.
We were there a lot.
Byerly's is like Metro Market. Only bigger and better cause their selection of olives is wider.
So the second night, we sorted through Grandpa's old clothes.
It took us hours.
He may be old, but he has style. I promise.
Haha, Nancy, so FUNNYYYYY. Throwing out old medicine.
Half of le crap.
The infamous white squirrel in his yard that we've been tracking for years.
Well, at least he has been..we've only oohed and aahed. I can't believe he
showed up when we visited. I just can't.
Aww. Poor lil Accent.
We drove around the greater St. Paul area, and there are some ridiculously
gorgeous mansions just chilling everywhere. It was incredible. There was
one main strip called Summit Ave., and no joke..these houses were just
House of Hope church.
My parents got married there.
Street shot.
Mmmm. Cathedral.
The capital building.
Had to.
Governor's house. Jesse Ventura lived there.
To the Fatties.
So then the brother comes to town.
We took Grandpa on an outing to the garden. Er, outside. Whatever.
I am teasing Peter about his Minnesota accent (it is so thick), and my grandpa is overly joyous.
Please look at his face.
Biiiig smiles.
So then we peaced out and went to TGI Fridays for lunch.
Sometime during all this, Peter and I cracked some joke about something
that's long and hard to explain and we truly could not stop laughing.
People stopped eating and stared at us. My mom was thoroughly embaressed.
The serious side of a moron.
Aaaand again!
Aaahh. I got to drive this.
So here is the deal with Minnesota espresso. Caribou Coffee is the
equivalent to Starbucks there. But when I ordered a grande nonfat
latte, they got very confused; instead of saying 'nonfat', they say
'skim'. Interesting? Probably only to me. But whatever.
It was fun learning about it anyway. Good coffee.
This was the room I stayed in.
Almost the exact same picture, but it's different, too. I kinda like it.
Floor..ugh. Random.
Grandpa's basement. Dirtydustymusty but really tight too..
..cause there is a huge map of Paris.
Crazy chairs from the sixties, mmm.
Roughly half of his National Geographic collection.
The other half of his basement is a workshop.
Eating dinner right before Peter left at Perkins. Which is like Sharis
or Dennys but kids go there to do homework too.
Peter actually has a friend named Bob.
The waitress loved Peter for some reason, so she gave us lots of cherries.
County Road B.
Another restaurant. We ate out so much because there was no
food at Grandpa's. So. This is the most Oriental you can get in St.
Paul. It was very Americanized Chinese food, but it was good.
My mom likes my sunglasses.
!!!! This is my favorite one. We were pulling out of the parking lot,
and this old lady was standing on the side of the road, yelling at
the cars as they drove by.
She was beautiful. She made us smile.
Driving to the airport. Trees do that in St. Paul. I wish they would here..
Lots of airplane shots. I couldn't stop.
Our runway.
Okay so then I took a grip of cloud pictures. I couldn't stop that, either.
That pretty much sums up the whole trip.
This does, too.
So. There is was. Good trip!
Nowwww, here are some random things.
I know you'll all enjoy them.
First off..
Road Trip Meeting: Thursday, April 7.
Taylor can't wait for California.
Deep discussion.
Gloria decides to step up and say "Let's cut the crap, people, and get right down to business."
This girl knows her stuff, let me tell YOU.
Saturday April 16.
Saturday was my day off. So John and I went on an adventure to Puyallup and saw the Daffodil parade.
Then we went to Seattle & saw Copeland, Acceptance, Lovedrug, and someotherband at Graceland
El Corazon. Here's how it all went down.
Johnny had two friends spend the night, so in the morning he made us all breakfast. Kinda.
My dad was enthralled.
Waiting to eat (impatiently).
Parade! (it was sunny when we arrived, but just look at those clouds..
trouble was a-brewing).
Sure enough, it starts to downpour and we get drenched. We find shelter
outside of the true Mexico, aka outside of Taco Bell.
There was this girl in this one school band playing the cowbell like there
was no tomorrow. She was too quick for the camera, though. Aww.
Wellhey, Santa was there. And would you look at that girl's jacket..mmmm.
People were dancing on this float and it was humourous.
Mysterious, book-reading, sunglasses-wearing, yellow rain coat-wearing,
fedora-donning man. Hmmm. Oh, and the dentist's office. Hmmm.
Dogs. Chris, this was for you.
Up to Seattle we go. I can't remember if John was singing along to something
or I told him to jump out of the car. Waitno, he told me to. Nevermind.
Right near the Graceland El Corazon. Aww.
So we ended up coming very early to the show and decided to walk around
Seattle to find food. We ended up at Pike Place, but it was all closed.
John felt right at home.
Sunday April 17
Taylor got me hooked on hummus and these pretzels from Trader Joe's.
Goal: laundry and change sheets. An incredible task.
And oh, the shoes on the floor. The cleaning must continue!
It's all good though cause I got this one shirt a couple of days ago and
it makes me feel pretty and all feminine-like. Ah haa, GIRL POWER! Uuguughh.
Ta-daaa! New sheets from grandpa's house, mhmm. Task completed.
6 o'clock service
Bekah and Karen thinking of yummy treats for their tummies.
Me & my older Jen. I look stoned, she looks pissed.
We are hot.
Me & Amy Schauer. She's so cute.
YES! Fatties for life. I made it black and white cause it is an emotionally-charged
picture. (read: "emo", "indie", "bloated")
UPPC gaaals.
I then went home and proceeded to stare at the computer screen and wonder how
I was going to write three pages on foreign aid. I did it eventually, though.
My mom puts her glasses in this. I think it's downright silly and needs to be
used for more important things. Like holding pens.