Gimme enough caffeine, and mebbe I could fly... Michael Jackson... yeah, I could see that. And although I can fly, why fly when I have a sweet ride? "Where's my money, biatch?!? You wanna kiss the frying pan again??"
To which race of Middle Earth do you belong? brought to you by
Quizilla Awwww, yeah...
And now, 'cause I figure it'll likely hurt
Protector of the Light
Class: Archangel
Alliance: Light
You tend to be a very honorable person. At the same
time you are calm, level-headed, and capable of
holding it together in a crisis. Your role
would be that of Protector. As a Protector of
the Light you would take a defensive stance
against the forces of evil. You are the strong
presence that works to keep others safe.
Your Anglic Name: Gabriel
Which Warrior Angel are You and Whose Side are You On? (With Anime Pics) brought to you by
Quizilla Edit: I knew I was forgetting something about the above result... Fear my bishi-ness, FEAR MY GREATER WINGED BISHIE GLORY!! There, I feel better now.
I like... ^.^
Other news: still waiting to hear from about job. Damned managers and their uber-long holidays. >.< Getting last paycheck from QSI tomorrow, then swinging by the Durance for a bit (just a bit).