I will be working at UVSC, working general support. Most likely, I'll be in the 3-9pm shift. I'll be pulling some 'normal' hours until I get training in.
I'll be paid less than I would in other positions, this is true. Because I don't have any certs, I'm starting at $9.30/hr. I can live with this, for now (getting a cert, even that abomination known as 'A+,' is high on the priority list). I've gone over it long and hard, and I really think it'll be better for my career path of teaching to go this route. I may not have all that mad money, but it'll help me -stay- on this path and avoid the siren song of going back to 'big money tech.' Call me crazy, stupid, whatever. I feel I'm doing what I should be, and that's what matters most...
The real "deal maker" is the fact that, after working there for 6 months, I'll get 1 class (up to 5 credit hours) free, each semester. Found out about that this morning when I called the manager.
Needless to say, this has me very, VERY much relieved. That's a lot of stress off my back, now I can relax more...