Answers to last quotes are:
1. Surf Wax America [lyric] - Weezer
2. NEW Dane Cook [in reference to Justice Files]
3. David Cross [Cross' impersonation of John Ashcroft (the Russian*)]
4. Dave Chapelle - Killing Them Softly [talking about being taken to the ghetto]
5. Smashing Pumpkins - Tonight, Tonight [we'll make it all, we'll fell it all... tonight... tooooonight]
6. Ender's Game [common slang for "hello" at battleschool]
7. Star Wars [some bomber guy says it as they fuck up the death star]
8. Denis Leary [reference to the catholic church's chain of command & hats]
9. David Cross [full quote: So when did snuggling go out of style? Cause... i was making love..... to a hooker, and then i finished and she just got up, you know. she just got right up and walked out the door, right out the car door and that was it. i think that.... when you cum in a girl's hair, you share a special bond.]
10. David Cross [making fun of some marketing gimmick at a place called "Cozy"]
11. Top Gun [Maverick requests a fly-by and the tower responds "Negative Ghost Rider, the Pattern is full, fly around"]
I'll try and make these vary in difficulty and in sources, so the last one should be harder than the first, and so forth.
Oh, and these quotes can reference ANYTHING... so just beware.
1. Off the wall
2. I'll be back.
3. I don't know, faggot.
4. You think that's air you're breathing now?
5. Bitch, you got REAL ugly.
6. Purple Monkey Dishwasher (the true source)
7. Clare Abshire
8. I'll fire when I'm good and goddamn ready...
9. ...thus the fucking title of the place!
10. Your halo slipping down to choke you now
11. Which one of ya'll kicked me?
Okay so some of these are hard and some of these are pretty easy. I don't expect anyone to get over 8 of these. I guess 5-7 is the average.