the emptiness you feel when you're missing that person in your life is almost as bad as the doubt you feel when you think youve found that someone. it's complicated. but im such a skeptic. i wish i could finally be "the girl" in someones life. but im not ready to sell my dignity for that spot either. i will never be a chaser.
today is the kind of day that juicy sweat pants were made for. so toasty. i feel so good all nestled up in bed watching law and order while listening to the rain fall outside. i hope it rains tomorrow too because i have a certain someone who i wouldnt mind joining in that bedridden routine.
it's that lonliness kicking in again. and faces and places and failed attempts at fulfillment are vacant and fleeting. i'm not saying i need to be saved. i'm just saying that it would help
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got to keep my conscience clean. but that "hurricane what's-her-name" mentality was not for me and never could be. cause it surely brings bitter things and misery.