[Private//Hackable by Friends]
I'm glad I wasn't cursed yesterday.
I would've made a fool of myself if I had been, of course. And even if it were only a curse, and none of it made any difference once it was over--well, it isn't always easy to forget about the things that happen during curses, and so I'm just thankful all around that I don't have to deal with the aftermath of this one, this time.
It was rather like at Valentine's Day, wasn't it, when everyone went around falling in love with each other for the day, and it made so much trouble afterward because so very little of it was genuine. I suppose that variant of the curse is a bit worse, though, since there are such things as loveless marriages, while there can't really be such a thing as loveless love. But in any case, it's awful to make a trifle out of something as important as marriage, and to reduce it all to a contest that way--that any girl that catches any boy can make him marry her, as simple as that.
Of course it makes me think of Edgar. How could it not? His mother's guards caught me and my reward was to be married to him, regardless of my own thoughts on the matter. And then I had to turn him down again, but--
It's too important, marriage. Two people fall in love and get married and live happily ever after. Mother wanted that for me, I know, and I also know that as much as she may hint and suggest and nudge me towards one husband or another, she'd never force me into a marriage that I didn't want. And...I do want that, someday. I don't want to be married off and settled and never able to go adventuring again, of course, or obligated to marry this prince or that knight just because he rescued me from peril...but marriage is important, and someday, when I've found the person I love--
Or perhaps that's it, really. Perhaps it's just that I want to fall in love someday.
...Sam's right. I do think too much about love.
Nothing is permanent here. No matter what happens or doesn't happen, someday I'm going to go home, and I may never see any of the friends that I've made here again. More and more, people have been going home, and if there's one thing I've learned, it's that anyone can disappear in an instant, no matter who or how or what they had to hold them here. I've lost Sam once already, and Rue, as well, and Blue and Penny went home alive and came back d--
And to say nothing of the others--Sirius, Tamaki, how many have there been?--that left and haven't come back.
But then, I'm also the one that told Rue that sometimes it's not that we live happily ever after; it's enough that we live, happily, between the end of one story and the start of the next. I could be happy here. I am happy here, most of the time. I could be happy for that time in-between, until one adventure ends and the next begins. Couldn't I? Not married, and perhaps not even in love--or at least, not the sort of love that ends in a marriage and a happily-ever-after. But I could be happy.
...No, I'm very glad I wasn't cursed yesterday.
[Private to Asano Rin//Unhackable]
I went through and looked in my journal for any clues about the mother that came to the City back in May. There isn't much, but
this is what I have of it. I do hope it helps.
Well, my necklace is off to be fixed, Miss Alice is back at home with Blue, and I'm still successfully unmarried. I suppose that means things are getting back to normal around here, after all.
That was a funny curse yesterday, though, wasn't it? Which is not to say that marriage is a laughing matter, of course, but it was a silly sort of curse, just the same. I doubt that anyone really intends to keep for today any marriage that they might've ended up in yesterday, and I do hope that no matter what happened yesterday, no one holds those actions against each other. Curses that change our thoughts and play with our emotions are never easy, and especially not in the aftermath, but that's what makes it all the more important to forgive each other once they're over.
Kaname, thank you for the recommendation of the jeweler; I do appreciate it, and perhaps we can reschedule our plans for tea once again, if it's not too much trouble? We seem to have rather bad luck with finding a good day to meet, don't we? But I'm sure if we keep after it, we'll manage it eventually.
...Am I just imagining things, or has there rather been a lack of new arrivals lately? Speaking with Rin made me think of it-- It seems as though a great deal of people have been leaving, but other than the weekend when all the visitors came back at the beginning of the month, it seems as though there haven't been many new people arriving. Or perhaps I just haven't been paying close enough attention, I suppose...
And let's see, Blair's birthday party is on this Tuesday coming up, and I still have yet to see about finding something to wear to it. It's a pity I couldn't trade colors with Sam, and wear that orange dress I had for Valentine's Day this year, but then that would leave Sam with pink and I think it'd be rather improper if I broke the rules and switched, so a pink dress it'll be, after all. That makes things a bit easier, at least, since it leaves out the trouble of picking a color.
My, I'm accumulating a lot of dresses, aren't I? At home, I'd only have had to pick from a few, but here it's color this and style that and improper to wear the same thing more than once...
And of course, Tristan and Yvaine, I do hope the two of you are feeling better now?
[OOC: Rin-mun, the link itself is OOC, but the conversation and some of the information in it is what Rosella would've sent along. Enjoy!]