
Apr 21, 2002 14:24

insaneprimula: MUST... BE... STRONG!
insaneprimula: ((*has taken aphrodisiac, and is going insane fighting urges because she's prim and proper or something*))
hamtheoldgaffer: Hmm
Ringwraith Three: *continues looking for "the" forest*
insaneprimula: *begins singing "girls" by the beastie boys*
Marig0ld Gamgee: O.o...
wolfsong2002 (goldie): *raises eyebrow at primula, but doesn't say anything*
hamtheoldgaffer: *quietly backs away*
Marig0ld Gamgee: It makes sense that you would marry Bill Cosby now.
insaneprimula: Girls! All I really want is girls! And in the morning it's girls! Cause in the evening it's girls!
insaneprimula: I like the way that they walk! And it's chill to hear them talk! And I can always make them smile! From white castle to the nile!
insaneprimula: AGHHH!
insaneprimula: *runs in circles*
Marig0ld Gamgee: ..You're going to get dizzy if you keep doing that
insaneprimula: *eyes focus on marigold*
Marig0ld Gamgee: ....
insaneprimula: *glomps*
wolfsong2002 (goldie): run, aunt mari!
Marig0ld Gamgee: Can't..she's...glomping
Marig0ld Gamgee: *Chokes*
wolfsong2002 (goldie): *looks around*
insaneprimula: *grins insanely at marigold*
wolfsong2002 (goldie): *locates some random blunt object and comes up behind primula, raising it over her head*
Marig0ld Gamgee: *gags*
insaneprimula: *loosens grip enough for her to breathe*
insaneprimula: YOU ARE!
Marig0ld Gamgee: ..*kicks Primula*
wolfsong2002 (goldie): *swings heavy blunt object, hoping to knock her out*
Marig0ld Gamgee: *Gasps for air*
insaneprimula: *falls over*
*** merrygamgee has joined the chat.
PerfectCarrot: *watches* o.O
Marig0ld Gamgee: ..Naughty little lower class individual?
insaneprimula: *glomps onto Goldilocks*
merrygamgee: ¬.¬
insaneprimula: ((it's her idea of dirty talk o.o))
Marig0ld Gamgee: ((*laughs* Okay. XD))
insaneprimula: (( if it will help things make sense))
insaneprimula: ((hehe))
insaneprimula: *glompglompglomp*
wolfsong2002 (goldie): eep! *is glomped*
insaneprimula: *slobbers on goldilocks*
merrygamgee: ...Ma'am?
Marig0ld Gamgee: ...
wolfsong2002 (goldie): eeew! that's disgusting!
merrygamgee: Would you mind cuttin' that out?
insaneprimula: CAN'T... STOP!!!
merrygamgee: -sighs and grabs Primula by the elbows, pulling her back-
wolfsong2002 (goldie): aunt mari? merry? a little help, please? *kicks at her*
wolfsong2002 (goldie): THANK YOU!
merrygamgee: -nods-
insaneprimula: *struggles with merry*
merrygamgee: ...
merrygamgee: Pardon, Ma'am...
merrygamgee: Stop/
insaneprimula: *runs off ten feet away* *crouches*
insaneprimula: AGHHH! *runs in cirlces*
merrygamgee: ...
*** LilGamgeeTrouble has joined the chat.
wolfsong2002 (goldie): that cant be good
merrygamgee: Uh...
*** Frodo Gardener has joined the chat.
LilGamgeeTrouble: *wanders in*
merrygamgee: Are you feelin' alright, Mrs. Baggins?
Frodo Gardener: *eyes*
insaneprimula: AGH!
merrygamgee: -digs in pack-
insaneprimula: I NEED... AGHHH!
merrygamgee: -brings out a coil of rope-
wolfsong2002 (goldie): look out! she's going to attack!
merrygamgee: No, ma'am...
insaneprimula: *tries to stop glomping*
merrygamgee: -pounces on Primula-
insaneprimula: *flails half heartedly*
merrygamgee: -holds her down with a foot planted firmly in her lower back, pulling her hands behind her and tying them-
LilGamgeeTrouble: Merry always saves the day
merrygamgee: -sighs and connects the rope to her ankles, checking that she'll not be in pain but safely bound-
insaneprimula: *flails without genuine effort*
insaneprimula: THANK... YOU!
merrygamgee: -stands up- Ô.o
merrygamgee: Ma'am?
insaneprimula: I drank some... strange elvish wine... I found
insaneprimula: Thank you for stopping me
insaneprimula: you, um, slightly less smelly then the others commoner
merrygamgee: o.Ô You're just goin' to stay right there then. Where's the bottle so as I can get rid o' it?
insaneprimula: I can't remember
insaneprimula: it's kind of a blur
merrygamgee: For some reason I don't right trust your word
*** Manservant H has joined the chat.
Manservant H: evil!
Marig0ld Gamgee: Hello
Manservant H: hello!
merrygamgee: -looks at Prim-
merrygamgee: Anyone have a sappling?
insaneprimula: ¬¬
LilGamgeeTrouble: o.o
merrygamgee: Well, see, ma'am...I need a bit o' that rope. Just in case
merrygamgee: -picks Primula up and slings her over his shoulder carrying her to the nearest sapling-
insaneprimula: ...
insaneprimula: ?
merrygamgee: -unties her ankles and wrists, then reties her wrists around the tree, cutting off a length of rope, leaving the rest that is binding her wrists-
merrygamgee: There, that should keep you...and I got most my rope back. -coils it-
merrygamgee: Anyone else have that wine?
Marig0ld Gamgee: Not I
insaneprimula: lgkjflkjg *tries to sit quietly*
merrygamgee: Ma'am..unless you want me t'gag you..
insaneprimula: ¬¬
insaneprimula: urge to kill... rising. *silent*
merrygamgee: Can't right kill tied to a tree...
insaneprimula: ¬¬
insaneprimula: I wouldn't have let you do this if thought I could trust my own... behavior
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