Green Party Democratic Party Libertarian Party Republican Party Constitution Party Main ideologies
Political spectrum Left-Right Center-left Center-left (Rejects left-right political spectrum)
Center-right Right-wing Communitarianism vs.
Individualism Economic Issues Communitarian Communitarian Individualist Mixed
[15] Individualist
Communitarianism vs.
Individualism Cultural Issues Individualist Individualist Individualist Communitarian Communitarian
Pacifism vs.
Militarianism Pacifism Mixed
Non-interventionist Mixed
Non-interventionist[16][17] Free trade vs.
Fair trade Fair trade Mixed Free trade (Unilateral)
[18] "Free and fair trade" (Multilateral)
[19] Semi-
protectionist[20] Progressivism vs.
Conservatism Progressivism Progressivism
Libertarianism Conservatism Conservatism Specific issues Legal
Abortion Strongly Favor Favor
[21] Favor
[22] Oppose
[23] Strongly Oppose
[24] Same-sex marriage Strongly Favor Generally Favor Remove government from definition of marriage altogether
[25] Oppose
[26] Strongly Oppose
[27] Universal healthcare Favor
single payer system Mixed Strongly Oppose Oppose Oppose
[28] Increased taxation Favor
progressive taxation Favor Strongly Oppose More Opposed Oppose
[29] Deficit spending Favors reduction
[30] Mixed Favors reduction Mixed Favors reduction
Illegal immigration Amnesty Amnesty and guest workers Open borders
[31] Guest workers, support for amnesty mixed Oppose amnesty and guest workers
[32] Continue
Iraq war Strongly Oppose
[33] Oppose, but continue to pass funding Strongly Oppose
[34] Support Strongly Oppose
[35] Capital punishment Oppose Mixed (no position) Favor Strongly Favor
[36] Drug decriminalization Favor
[37] Mixed Strongly Favor (
[38] Oppose Strongly Oppose
[39] Gun control Favor More in Favor Strongly Oppose More Opposed
[40] Oppose
[41] School prayer Strongly Oppose Oppose (Favors privatization of schools) Favor Strongly Favor
Taxpayer funding of private schools Strongly Oppose Oppose Strongly Oppose
[25] Favor Strongly Favor