
May 24, 2005 01:47

fucking jean D'arc be crecent fresh. if i were a good little catholic boy she wouldbe my saint. ive been getting better at updating this thing abandoned my post at the giant i havent called them, they havent called me, i still need to pick up a check and now for an equasion of my jobserch me minus giant equals jobserch! up becoming touching up my resume` t h a t  l            ed me to give resume`s in conjuction avec filling out aplications at

add ruby tuesdays( steak and salad chain for those non americans)

add starbucks

wic qdoba( souless step above taco bell)

add buncho other palces

EUREKA!( spelling?) job interviews!

the(goodbye)ruby tuesday(who could hang a name on you?)s interview was  anti-manyana( try to figure that one out). that equals it went well. medical insurance my first day and a good fair salary and an amazing plan for pissed off customers( if  you do ANYTHING wrong to the customer you are alowed to kiss their redneck weirdo fathers with fucking ugly babies ploping down next to me in the bathroom as im trying to compose myself for the damn interview with his god damn smelly ugly as shit baby that wont stop fucking crying and meanwhile the fucking redneckis talking in his native raspy cheap ciggarette and horsepiss beer ravaged toung( i think it was  a mix of western maryland and a hint of southern pennsylvania) to the child to stop fucking crying. after the interview he wanted me to come over  and sit with him at his table after the interview. creepy as fuck asses with free salad bar binges, enough soda that can put them into diabetic shock, and a pass at the desert menu( ...from hell!) for free, all so they can come back and milk it for everything its worth.)

qdoba = i got there 2 hours early and did as much shit as i could before the interview, then the fucker asked if we could reschedule = FUCK

MEANWHILE: i dressed rather nicely but  very versitile = no jewlerey but lotta rosarys that i restored later

STARDUCKS! it was actualy a diffrent location of the one i aplied to, but i went in and ask if they were hireing, they said " sit down for an interview" crazy fuck it was. but i told him everything he wanted to hear with more enthuziasm then he expected( fucking souless corparation passing off like the fucking pioners of grunge) but apperantly its a realy good place to work

the now

i be waiting( in vain for your love) to hear from them,

equasion over

it looks good from this angle leutenent

roadtrip i was planing got put off( it was a good window to go, but it didnt happen) amsterdamn is moving along nicely( appointment tomorrow to get my passport) just need to get my ticket and pack some shit and im off like a prom dress

bought hedwig on dvd, havent  turned the dvd player off since i got it

seeing many omens and spirits lately, most good

hope all is well with the reader

a cookie to whomever calles me a weird basterd for doing a post like this first
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