(no subject)

May 03, 2006 22:08

LJ stalking horror - a report by princeleaf.

darktwilkitri is stalking princeleaf

darktwilkitri’s REAL name :
Darrick Boucher

darktwilkitri’s REAL DOB :
27th November 1983

Height :162 cm
Weight : 57.7 kg

darktwilkitri has dreamt about you :
30 times

darktwilkitri became interested in you :
05th February 2004

darktwilkitri’s latest dream about you

Last night darktwilkitri dreamt that you had told them that you were leaving for good. darktwilkitri was just about ready to chop off your head with a samurai sword before the dream ended.

This is how darktwilkitri describes your relationship behind your back

‘Things are going great! he still won’t kiss me though in public. he will once I stop calling him in the middle of the night.’

darktwilkitri’s been stealing stuff from your house too.

Your cat didn’t run away princeleaf, darktwilkitri is holding it captive!

They’ve even started modifying their body for you

darktwilkitri has princeleaf tattooed right across their chest.

They sent the following message to you in a Valentines

Words cannot express what you mean to me. I want us to be together forever. Do you fancy becoming siamese twins? My mother says she’ll pay for the operation. Apparently such a procedure has a 20% success rate. I’d do anything for our love, wouldn’t you?

The Police

No. calls to the police :
15 times

Your Last Call to The Police

"Ah fuck it not again. Look darktwilkitri you little bastard, get your fucking head out of my bin or else I’m phoning the cops. Right that’s fucking it! Hello police? Yes it’s darktwilkitri again. The little shit-stirrer."

darktwilkitri’s Police File

It’s quite obvious to us that darktwilkitri is clinically insane and should be sectioned immediately.

Testimonies about darktwilkitri

kyuusei - Suicidal wreck

‘darktwilkitri was always one of us. One of the gang. We never suspected anything. I’m really shocked..’

lord_alvein - A withered old hag

‘Thank Christ I never let darktwilkitri into my house. God the thought of it all gives me the creeps!’

togekid - Marathon Munt

‘How depressing. I feel sorry for princeleaf, he’s kind as fuck to a fault. Always willing to give people the benefit of the doubt. All of this sickens me.'’

nurelda - Gives birth to cattle

‘I use the word cunt sparingly - it’s more effective that way. I’ve spent all morning texting darktwilkitri, with that word playing a key role in most of my messages.’

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