Stats and Permissions!

Mar 23, 2009 16:12

Name: Yosuke Hanamura (first name first, family name second)
Age: 17
Birthday: June 22 (Cancer)
Height: 175 cm/5'9" (give or take a tenth of an inch)
Weight: 58kg/128lbs (est?)
Eyes: Light Brown
Hair: Brown
Blood Type: A

Physical traits: Athletic build, covered by a heavy winter uniform (shirt, jacket, pants). Short, messy brown hair and stylish red headphones. Occasionally wears yellow rimmed glasses.

Abilities: In Mayfield? Jack crap!

Cooking: Don't trust him with anything more complicated than heating something up.

Angst/Drama: Entirely possible!

Hugging: Go right ahead, though he'll only be receptive if you're a girl or a close friend

Kissing: Okay for girls, but he's liable to smack a guy who tries.

Injuries: Sure! He's used to injuries. Ask before something srs though plx?

What To Mention: Anything, really

What NOT To Mention: ... uh... nothing comes to mind.
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