Inventory (current as of Night 58):
Standard Landel's 'Starter Kit':
- Journal (currently blank)
- Flashlight (almost full power)
- Radio
- Battery set x 2
- Key Ring (with room and desk keys)
- Plastic Ballpoint Pens (roll of thirty, with rubber band)
Stolen from Upstairs Kitchen:
- Sharp Bread Knive
Stolen from the Gardener's Shed:
- Metal-bladed shovel
Status (current as of Night 58):
- Thin cut on chest (from sharp knife)
- Thin cut across cheek (from aquila claw)
- 2 bruised ribs, left side
- 1 cracked rib, left side
- Extreme exhaustion
Night 57
In which Sesshoumaru nearly loses a fight with a doorknob
Day 58
Shift 1
In which Sesshoumaru tries to kill several soldiers and fails miserably
Shift 2
In which the wonders of technology are further explored
Shift 3
Shift 4
Shift 5
Bulletin Board
● to
oneman_onekill Night 58
In which there is a girl, a library, a kitchen, and a giant bird.