1. Nana is UBER AMAZING AND I LOVE HER!! and *coughsheneedstolearntoonlylikeoneguyatatimecough* <-- hehehe ;)
2. Lost in Translation/Lion Heart~SMAP
3. pudding. vanilla. now I want pudding...
4. cat.
5. I dont know which memories are first! that surprise party Dana through...your mom brought little thank you packages when she came to pick you up! with little notes and everything...and we had to put up this mattress at one of the doors so you wouldn't be able to see into the "surprise room" hahahah oh...and waterballoon fight...'least I think that was that day...
6. a mouse
7. when are you coming back to the states next?!?!? it doesn't look like my parents are going for me going there anytime soon... *Pout*
Comments 17
2. uh, the entire Winding Stars mix!!
3. that blue Jello...
4. That makes one!
wasn't she like, a bitch?
oh god, there are so many...
5. ...well, I met you through Nana...but: you...Dana...Charlie. what more can I say?
6. a shiny (fire hydrant) cat.
7. do I win?!
8. ~~~you know what to do! (as soon as your computer works)
2. Lost in Translation/Lion Heart~SMAP
3. pudding. vanilla. now I want pudding...
4. cat.
5. I dont know which memories are first! that surprise party Dana through...your mom brought little thank you packages when she came to pick you up! with little notes and everything...and we had to put up this mattress at one of the doors so you wouldn't be able to see into the "surprise room" hahahah oh...and waterballoon fight...'least I think that was that day...
6. a mouse
7. when are you coming back to the states next?!?!? it doesn't look like my parents are going for me going there anytime soon... *Pout*
8. whee~~ post away!
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