D'oh ... I completely forgot that I have laundry in the washer and the dryer. Eh, I'll get it in the morning.
I was reading Order or the Pheniox and completely lost track of time. I'm on chapter 25 now.
Am I the only person who finds the whole Cho/Harry thing absolutely *adorable*?! I mean, when I read the other books she's in, I never really liked the idea of her and Harry together. (I admit, I was all for Harry/Ginny.) She always seemed like, I dunno ... out of his league. But after that kiss between them I feel so ... awww. Lol. I really hope this isn't one of those deals where she's just misleading the poor boy (DON'T TELL ME!) ... then I would be very very sad. :sad face:
And I hope mommy finds it in her heart to take me to WalMart. I desperately need to get yarn and knitting needles. Yep, I'm going to try knitting up some Hogwarts scarves. I'm making a Ravenclaw one for myself, and (possibly, is she wants) a Slytherin one for Catherine. Anyone want one? I can't garantee it'll be of the *best* quality, which is exactly why I'm not charging for them. But keep in mind, I am both busy and lazy (a very deadly combination) so you may not get your until ... wow ... next summer? Nah, I'm sure if a few people want one, I'll make a large effort to make them. Just, y'know, drop me a comment or whatever and name what house colors you want.
I need to get crack-a-lackin' on "Zoe". That poor thing is gathering dust as we speak.