SockBunnyLvr (12:43:03 PM): im absoloutely in love with you :-)
Stormie428 (12:43:19 PM): JOY!!
SockBunnyLvr (12:43:45 PM): marry me?
Stormie428 (12:44:00 PM): YES!!!
Stormie428 (12:44:11 PM): when shall we plan the wedding
SockBunnyLvr (12:44:14 PM): now!
Stormie428 (12:44:32 PM): okay
Stormie428 (12:44:34 PM): hmm...
Stormie428 (12:44:56 PM): where should it be, in a church...or outside...hmm, maybe on the beach
Stormie428 (12:45:00 PM): so many choices
SockBunnyLvr (12:45:10 PM): outside
SockBunnyLvr (12:45:13 PM): no church
SockBunnyLvr (12:45:18 PM): they explode when i go near them
Stormie428 (12:45:23 PM): haha\
SockBunnyLvr (12:45:23 PM): for i am the antichrist
SockBunnyLvr (12:45:24 PM): lol
Stormie428 (12:45:29 PM): yay
SockBunnyLvr (12:46:23 PM): :-D you are going to be married to the anti christ
SockBunnyLvr (12:46:29 PM): wont your parents be proud?
SockBunnyLvr (12:46:44 PM): and the fact that we can only get married in san fransisco
Stormie428 (12:47:21 PM): yes..they will be so happy
SockBunnyLvr (12:47:29 PM): :-D
Stormie428 (12:47:37 PM): will we both wear a dress?
Stormie428 (12:47:40 PM): hmm....
SockBunnyLvr (12:47:46 PM): lol
SockBunnyLvr (12:47:47 PM): no!
SockBunnyLvr (12:47:55 PM): we'll go to a nudist colony!!
Stormie428 (12:48:03 PM): okay ...perfect
SockBunnyLvr (12:48:12 PM): :-D
Stormie428 (12:48:19 PM): we will have our lesbian antichrist marriage at a nudist colony
Stormie428 (12:48:23 PM): yayy!!
SockBunnyLvr (12:48:28 PM): yes!
SockBunnyLvr (12:49:42 PM): meow
Stormie428 (12:49:56 PM): bark
SockBunnyLvr (12:50:02 PM): :-D
Stormie428 (12:50:08 PM):
SockBunnyLvr (12:50:42 PM): i love you!!!
SockBunnyLvr (12:50:46 PM): -bounces with joy-
Stormie428 (12:51:07 PM): i love YOU!!!
Stormie428 (12:51:10 PM): yayy!!!
SockBunnyLvr (12:51:23 PM): -dances-
Stormie428 (12:51:55 PM): ::dances::
Stormie428 (12:51:58 PM): w00t!!!
SockBunnyLvr (12:53:55 PM): theres a man standing on the corner with a sign saying "will work for food" you know the man you see him every morning, the one you never give your money too. you can sit there with your window rolled up wondering when the light is gonna turn green, never knowing what a few bucks in his pocket might mean.
SockBunnyLvr (12:55:51 PM): what if hes an angel sent here from heaven makin certain that youre doing your best to help one another brother are you gonna pass that test? you can go along with your day to day trying to forget what you saw in his face, knowing deep down you could have been his saving grace. what if hes an angel?
SockBunnyLvr (12:55:55 PM): hehe thats a good song
SockBunnyLvr (12:55:58 PM): but i dont like country
Stormie428 (12:56:13 PM): ive never heard it
Stormie428 (12:56:19 PM): i never listen to country
Stormie428 (12:56:20 PM): hehe
SockBunnyLvr (12:56:21 PM): lol
SockBunnyLvr (12:56:25 PM): its really pretty
SockBunnyLvr (12:56:29 PM): with a major message
SockBunnyLvr (12:56:33 PM): but its about heaven and angels
SockBunnyLvr (12:56:40 PM): and i am the antichrist doncha know?
SockBunnyLvr (12:56:43 PM): thats why im canadian
Stormie428 (12:56:50 PM): haha
Stormie428 (12:56:57 PM): i love CANADIANS!!
Stormie428 (12:56:59 PM): haha
SockBunnyLvr (12:57:21 PM): theyre all damn terrorists!!
SockBunnyLvr (12:57:26 PM): terrorists i say!!!
SockBunnyLvr (12:57:31 PM): especially the french!!
SockBunnyLvr (12:57:37 PM): the french-canadians!!!
Stormie428 (12:58:07 PM): yes.....hmmm.....
SockBunnyLvr (12:58:11 PM): the most densely populated french canadian village, quebec has the most terrorist population then iraq on a convention day!!
Stormie428 (12:58:13 PM): i havent heard that theory
SockBunnyLvr (12:58:26 PM): thats because youve only ever heard LIES!! LIES I SAY!!!
Stormie428 (12:58:39 PM): hmm....
Stormie428 (12:58:50 PM): and i am supposed to believe the antichrist>
Stormie428 (12:58:52 PM): ?
Stormie428 (12:58:53 PM): lol
SockBunnyLvr (12:59:09 PM): YES!!!
SockBunnyLvr (12:59:13 PM): christ is a lying bastard
SockBunnyLvr (12:59:14 PM): i know
SockBunnyLvr (12:59:17 PM): ive met him
Stormie428 (12:59:23 PM): haha
SockBunnyLvr (1:00:32 PM): you laugh like im kidding
SockBunnyLvr (1:00:40 PM): he took my lucky cup!!!
Stormie428 (1:00:42 PM): well...
SockBunnyLvr (1:00:45 PM): it was my fucking cup!!
SockBunnyLvr (1:00:53 PM): :-D
SockBunnyLvr (1:01:06 PM): so0o0o how are you on this fine -twitch twitch- day?
Stormie428 (1:01:23 PM): rather bored
Stormie428 (1:01:26 PM): you?
SockBunnyLvr (1:01:38 PM): lamenting the loss of my fucking snicker doodles
SockBunnyLvr (1:01:46 PM): me mentos?
Stormie428 (1:02:06 PM): sure
SockBunnyLvr (1:02:18 PM): WHAT?!? YOU DENY ME FRESKMAKER??!
Stormie428 (1:02:32 PM): umm....
Stormie428 (1:02:34 PM): welll
Stormie428 (1:02:43 PM): you can have whatever you want
SockBunnyLvr (1:05:13 PM): you remember this lesson i teach you!!! USE IT ON NACHOS!!!
Stormie428 (1:05:36 PM): okay....sounds yummy
SockBunnyLvr (1:05:48 PM): be free little pop tart!!
Stormie428 (1:06:21 PM): i want a pop tart
Stormie428 (1:06:23 PM): haha
SockBunnyLvr (1:06:38 PM): YOU! YEAH YOU! SHUT UP!!!
Stormie428 (1:06:57 PM): ok master
SockBunnyLvr (1:07:03 PM): CITIZENS OF MARS!!! Surrender of I become giant Wilford Brimley!!
SockBunnyLvr (1:07:32 PM): If my demands are not met by...sometime! I will begin buttering your loved ones! SOME WEENIES HAVE CHEESE ON THE INSIDE!!!
Stormie428 (1:08:02 PM): haha
Stormie428 (1:08:15 PM): i dont have any siblings
Stormie428 (1:08:19 PM): ::Tear::
SockBunnyLvr (1:08:22 PM): baby....I'm sorry I yelled at youse...I loves you
SockBunnyLvr (1:08:48 PM): I caught my wife having sex with a weiner dog...-tear-
Stormie428 (1:09:07 PM): wait...i thought i was your wife
SockBunnyLvr (1:09:24 PM): :-D
SockBunnyLvr (1:09:45 PM): eggy weggy full of smeggy my zone is tingly with pringles! OF MADNESS!!!
SockBunnyLvr (1:10:20 PM): Soon my salad bar will be all powerful with. MY BUTTER HIDES IN YOUR ASS TONIGHT!!!
SockBunnyLvr (1:10:24 PM): FEAR MY NUT!!!
Stormie428 (1:10:55 PM): scared
SockBunnyLvr (1:11:27 PM): Well dip me in chicken broth and suck me daddy...
Stormie428 (1:11:41 PM): mmm...
Stormie428 (1:12:12 PM): master...i must go now, my dog has to urinate while i eat poptarts i shall be back later
SockBunnyLvr (1:12:13 PM): -hiss- squeezy cheese!!!
SockBunnyLvr (1:12:20 PM): ok
SockBunnyLvr (1:12:22 PM): love you daddy
SockBunnyLvr (1:12:24 PM): :-D
Stormie428 (1:12:32 PM): LOFF!!
Stormie428 (1:12:34 PM): bye
Stormie428 signed off at 1:12:35 PM.