15 Years Ago it was 1989 and I...
1. Was 4 years old and can remember it
2. Was already best friends with Erin and was about to have a huge crush on david snow
3. Could read
4. Was blond
5. Took ballet and wore a pink tutu
10 Years Ago I...
1. Loved my guinea pig
2. Wrote a prizewinning essay for MADD
3. Still wore leggings sometimes
4. Was best friends with Erin and was heartbroken when david snow moved away
5. Had to choose between soccer and dance
5 Years Ago, I...
1. Loved Cleveland and going to school there
2. Met Mike Pennington, saw Chris Ericson, tried being over david snow, met Wade Zarosinski
3. Had my heart broken for the first time
4. Won things with the dance team
5. Wasn't allowed to date
3 Years Ago, I...
1. Dated Wade Zarosinski, got my first kiss
2. Dated Wes Wegner, fell in love for the first time
3. Had something happen to me that should happen to no 16 year old girl
4. Met Alec Varis, lopearned thope lopanguopage
5. Got into Clevelandaires
1 Year Ago, I...
1. Dated Grant McLean. Grant McLean. Grant McLean.
2. Moved to Seattle and attended SPU
3. Discovered Ryan was my clone
4. Was still best friends with Erin, finally got over david snow (?)
5. Was brutally reminded how much of nothing I am except for Christ in me
Last Month I...
1. Started my first year at OSU!!! :) <3 :)
2. Saw a lot of Mike Pennington...till I called him Grant
3. Moved in with Tammy
4. Joined the OSU speech and debate team
5. Was confused a lot of the time, but content all in all
Yesterday, I...
1. Had a ton of homework to do...
2. Made myself malt-o-meal just like daddy used to make
3. Watched Beauty and the Beast (Robby Benson <3)
4. Dated no-one
5. ...Didn't sleep at all cause I was doing my homework
Today, I...
1. Finished my homework at 6:45 am
2. got a nice buzz from not sleeping, but fell asleep in some classes
3. Almost got lynched because I'm white and they're angry
4. Went to Wes' fraternity
5. Waited for a half hour for the bus in the pouring rain
Tomorrow, I...
1. Will be on time to yoga!!! :/
2. Will run my butt off in Dixon
3. Might finish my sculpture
4. Should get lots of homework done
5. Will be a better person.
5 Things I'd Buy With $1000...
1. Pink knee-high report boots
2. Eggs
3. A good haircut.
4. An end to parental anxiety
5. World peace
My Top 3 Biggest Worries/Concerns at the Moment...
1. Please, don't anyone ever excommunicate me ever again. Can't we all just communicate?
2. Daddy needs a new job.
3. Do I really...? Or am I just...menstrual...
My Top 5 Biggest Joys at the Moment...
1. God. 'Nough said.
2. Ryan is coming to visit this weekend.
3. I LOVE it here.
4. Halloween with Wes was amazingly awesome fun
5. My chinchilla. :) <3 <3 <3