jOrDaN sEnT tHiS tO mE!
-:-68 Things dudes Should Know!-:-
[ 1 ] we want t0 be huGged aLl the time n0 maTter what!
[ 2 ] we want y0u t0 sh0w us aFfecti0n even when pe0ple y0u kn0 are ar0und
[ 3 ] if y0u piSs us 0Ff , we wiLl kick y0u there .. s0 just d0n`t push it
[ 4 ] d0n`t take us f0r granted
[ 5 ] if y0u like us , make y0ur m0ve bef0re s0me0ne else d0es
[ 6 ] n0t t0 s0und selfish .. BUT .. we`d much rather y0u caLl us
[ 7 ] if y0u d0n`t shave , d0n`t expect us to0
[ 8 ] even th0ugh we`re perfectly 0kay with it , d0n`t teLl us t0 kiSs 0ur friends t0 turn y0u 0n unleSs y0ur wiLling t0 d0 the same
[ 9 ] d0n`t make bets ab0ut us , because 0ne 0f y0ur friends wiLl teLl us , if y0u d0n`t
[ 10 ] we d0n`t care h0w sexy y0ur ex was
[ 11 ] we abs0lutely d0n`t care ab0ut h0w h0t y0u think 0ther girls are even if were n0t g0ing 0ut with y0u
[ 12 ] even th0ugh y0u alm0st never are , we`Ll pretent that y0ur right s0metimes
[ 13 ] its n0t 0ur j0b t0 make aLl the plans
[ 14 ] we understand that size d0esn`t maTter
[ 15 ] we`re n0t as shaLl0w as y0u think we aLl are
[ 16 ] pms is always an excuse s0 get 0ver it
[ 17 ] 0n that n0te , anything we say 0r d0 during that 4 days t0 a wEek each m0nth caNn0t be held against us
[ 18 ] c0lin fareLl is h0t , s0 get 0ver it
[ 19 ] we like it when y0u say that y0ur s0Rry (( even if its n0t entirely y0ur fault ))
[ 20 ] the excuse 'i can`t dance' is abs0lutely unaCceptable .. we`Ll aPpreciate the eFf0rt
[ 21 ] make fun 0f us .. prepare t0 die !
[ 22 ] the 'liTtle things' are reaLly the biGgest things
[ 23 ] n0 girl just wants t0 be y0ur 'friends with benefits'
[ 24 ] d0n`t sm0ke and expect us t0 kiSs y0u , its gr0Ss bey0ne w0rds
[ 25 ] we`re sensitive
[ 26 ] when we trip and 0r faLl , thr0w y0urself up0n the altar 0f sacrifice and humiliate y0urself t0 make us fEel beTter
[ 27 ] d0n`t lie t0 us .. ever
[ 28 ] if we take the time t0 writh y0u cute n0tes , write us back , we reaLly like that .
[ 29 ] h0ld 0ur hand !!!
***Most important***
[ 30 ] d0nt ever just say i l0ve y0u if y0u d0nt mean it .. were n0t stupid and we can teLl if y0u d0 mean it
[ 31 ] whenever p0Ssible , please say whatever y0u have t0 say during c0Mmercials .
[ 32 ] if y0u d0n`t act like s0ap - 0pera guys , d0n ` t expect us t0 dreSs like vict0ria secret m0dels .
[ 33 ] mark aNniversaries 0n a calender .
[ 34 ] there is n0 such thing as t0o much sp0oning .
[ 35 ] this is h0w we sEe it .. d0n`t caLl = d0n`t care
[ 36 ] which als0 means that if we d0n`t call , take the hint
[ 37 ] we like y0u t0 be a liTtle jeal0use .. but 0verly p0SseSsive is n0t neceSsary
[ 38 ] puTting things in 0ur buTt d0es n0t turn us 0n
[ 39 ] return fav0rs : we maSsage , y0u maSsage
[ 40 ] f0replay is n0t an 0pti0n .. its a prerequisite
[ 41 ] we`re aLl0wed t0 be late .. y0u are n0t
[ 42 ] eye c0ntact is key
[ 43 ] d0n`t take l0nger t0 get ready then we d0
[ 44 ] laugh at 0ur j0kes
[ 45 ] thrEe w0rds .. h0nesty , h0nesty , h0nesty
[ 46 ] girls can be gr0upies . guy gr0upies are stalkers
[ 47 ] d0 n0t start with us . y0u wiLl n0t win
[ 48 ] w0uld y0u like it if a guy treated y0ur sister that way ? we didn`t think s0 .
[ 49 ] if y0u ask nicely , we usuaLly answer the same way ..
[ 50 ] we wiLl never have en0ugh cl0thes 0r sh0es !
[ 51 ] 0pen the d0or f0r us n0 maTter where we are .. even at 0ur h0use and geTting int0 the care
[ 52 ] we l0ve surprises !!!
[ 53 ] we liked t0 be kiSsed s0ftly , n0t with an ir0n t0ngue ... thanks !
[ 54 ] b0xers and maybe b0xer briefs s0metimes ...
[ 55 ] clean y0ur r0om bef0re we c0me 0ver
[ 56 ] always brush y0ur tEeth bef0re y0u sEe us .. a fresh m0uth and white tEeth are a neceSsity
[ 57 ] even th0ugh y0u are s0metimes insensitive and hurt us , we wiLl stiLl l0ve y0u with everything we are
[ 58 ] d0n`t act hard ar0und y0ur friends
[ 59 ] take the hint ... " n0 ! " reaLly means " n0 ! "
[ 60 ] if we wanted t0 be 0n a vide0 tape , we`d be a p0rn star n0t y0ur girlfriend
[ 61 ] sensitive guys are great .. but crying m0re then we d0 in a m0vie just isn`t right
[ 62 ] d0n`t let ex - girlfriends cause drama , relati0nships are streSsful en0ugh
[ 63 ] it takes a special kind 0f stupid t0 f0rget birthdays = d0nt f0rget 0ur birthdays
[ 64 ] guys wh0 are g0od cuDdlers = guys wh0 kn0 h0w t0 satisfy a w0man
[ 65 ] if y0u d0n`t return 0ur caLls , d0n`t expect us t0 return y0urs .
[ 66 ] silent treatment , sh0ulder shrugs , tears , yeLling and nasty l0oks aLl aDdup t0 ... YOU DID SOMETHING WRONG !
[ 67 ] just because a girl d0esn`t pick up 0n the first ring d0esn`t mean she`s n0t waiting by the ph0ne .. s0 d0n`t hang up .
[ 68 ] when the girls get t0gether , we talk ab0ut everything .. meaning my best friends kn0 everything ab0ut y0u !!