"I can't stand to look at you." "Well, that's why I married you."

Feb 27, 2004 23:08

I found twenty bucks.
Take that, Johnny Rockets.

Time for...popsicles.
Strawberry? Yeah.

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Comments 24

badalice February 28 2004, 07:58:50 UTC
make sure you pay. :)

and I need to ask Crack if he wants to hook up. it's driving me mad.


addigail February 28 2004, 08:04:12 UTC
he's hooking up with Ellie or something


badalice February 28 2004, 08:18:19 UTC
yeah, I know, but there's a whole lotta shit going on with that.


princesscookie9 February 28 2004, 09:07:05 UTC
Oh I will. I'll pay and pay well. Not a poor girl anymore, ha.
Don't let anything drive you mad, dear. Especially someone named after their own...well, you know.


uh anonymous February 28 2004, 08:57:04 UTC


crack anonymous February 29 2004, 12:28:22 UTC
Crack is so fuckin hot ... not to mention hes GREAT in bed!!


deadbeatdanny March 1 2004, 08:22:01 UTC
at crew practice last week i saw crAcks cock, god damn that thing is huge.


deadbeatdanny March 1 2004, 08:23:04 UTC
oh wiat did i say that out loud?


badalice March 1 2004, 11:34:12 UTC
all I have to say is you must really love the cock. also, crack is gay.


all i have to say is...... deadbeatdanny March 1 2004, 16:41:52 UTC
open your mouth so thomas and i can shit and jizz in it. you dlike that eh?


godfuckyou March 1 2004, 18:19:59 UTC
You all need to calm the hell down, r-e-l-a-x


HAHAHAAHHAAHHA godfuckyou March 1 2004, 18:55:34 UTC
HAHAHHAAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAAHAHAHHAHAHA Yea might as well just take his penis , i hear u gag on that shit u like it so much. O yea and its Naomi TUB. AHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAAHAHAHHAH damn thas funny danny HAHAHAHAHHAAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAAHAHAHHAHAHA amanda is hot AAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAAHAHAHHAHAHA danny thinks himself normal again after a night of rejuvenation HAHAHAHHAAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAAHAHAHHAHAHA im fukn pimpn jesus christ so many AHAHAHAHHAAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAAHAHAHHAHAHA i had a dream i slapped you with me penis so hard u broke ur nose, in effect i decided, why not make it a jelly donut, u dint like it, but at the same time wanned another slap. i gave you one n left a mark. kinda like zorro but its more of a U sorta thing, o yea its sideways , AAAAHAHahahahahaaaaaa ( ... )


jajahahajajajahajaja deadbeatdanny March 2 2004, 19:21:07 UTC
marks penis is like a siberian white tiger. its a rare yet remarkable species. a huge ferocious animal. its tough albino hide glistens from the reflection of sunlight across the tudnra. it is an extremely large and powerful beast, and must therefore be handled with caution. no one has succesfully domesticated these creatures because of there status as being an endangered species.


arktheshark ahhaahhaah godfuckyou March 2 2004, 19:33:40 UTC

blaust mir ein nutte

meine shwanz ist ganze groB magt ein Elephant


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