basics♥name: Jennifer
age: 23
previously stamped as: Penelope
would you grace us with (a) photo(s) of yourself (a detailed description is fine too)?
(I'm Jessica Rabbit for Halloween!)
describe and/or post photos of...
your current clothing style: On a normal relaxed day:
Very casual and comfortable. I had just baked those pies for Thanksgiving ^^
At the club I tend to get a little more gothy, but still comfy.
your princess outfit: I rather like this gorgeous outfit:
OK So I'm a nintendo fan ^^
your princess hair:
name 5 time periods/monarchies you feel most connected to: Aside from Ancient Greece and Egyptian, I can't think of any REAL monarchies that I feel connected to, so I'll post three fictional. Classic Fairytale monarchies, Ah ok, one more real one: The Romanovs of Russia, I guess, Shakespearean times
a few favorite colors of yours: Purple, silver, Green, black
what's your favorite physical feature?: My eyes
anything else you'd like to include? Wonderful community!