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name: April
age: 17
previously stamped as: Maria Teresa of Naples and Sicily
would you grace us with (a) photo(s) of yourself (a detailed description is fine too)?
describe and/or post photos of...
your current clothing style: The way I dress depends on how I feel that day. Some days I just feel like to wear darker clothes (simple shirts with skinny jeans, dark dresses and stockings etc) and on some days I like wear some sweet and light (like dresses over jeans, flowy tunic tops, etc). school, I've had people told me that my style is very colorful. Oh, and high heels are ♥
your princess outfit: My princess outfit would be any fancy formal dress that fits and looks good on me. xD They probably would be sparkly and maybe even lacy. Buuut any of these dresses would be great:
♥ one♥ two♥three your princess hair: It depends really. I love pin straight hair, soft wavy hair, loose pinned-up hair, teased sex hair, whatever. I'd also wear jewels and gems in my hair, with an occasional flower here and there.
name 5 time periods/monarchies you feel most connected to:
Victorian England
American Roaring 20's (does that count...?)
18th Century France
Italian Renaissance
Ancient Rome
a few favorite colors of yours: Beige, Silver, Dark Red, Mightnight Blue
what's your favorite physical feature?: Of mine or of other people? Well for other people... it would be smiles. :D
anything else you'd like to include? Thank you!