title: foreign perfume and smudged lipstick
rating: pg
word count: 431
warnings: uhh cheating?
summary: himchan waits. daehyun comes back now and then with a hint of perfume on him and smudged lipstick that himchan pretends not to see.
it’s a cold summer night. he stares up at the sky. cloudless and dark. no stars tonight. he’s not home. himchan knows. the lights are off and there hasn’t been a disturbance. of course he’s always gone. there’s nothing himchan can do about it except wait. wait and hope for him to return. if he does return (which he doesn’t do often).
it’s two in the morning when himchan’s woken up by someone shaking him.
“aren’t you cold? sleeping out here? silly.”
daehyun’s home, but himchan’s not happy. there’s a faint smell of perfume and some smudged lipstick. but he pretends to be sleepy still and nestle into daehyun’s neck as daehyun helps himchan to bed.
at least he can pretend that daehyun cares for him, even if it’s just for one moment.
he’s gone when himchan wakes up. he curls up in bed and cries. silent cries. because if anyone heard him, they’d know about his shame. he couldn’t even keep his husband; he’s a failure.
he lays in bed for hours, staring at the ceiling. he debates whether he should get up and make himself look presentable.
but what’s the point? i still won’t have him. have him completely. he’ll go back to her, like he always does.
their marriage is falling apart and it barely even started. married for two years; he’s been gone for a year. and for a year, himchan has hoped that he’d come back to him (but he hasn’t).
he didn’t come back one night. daehyun told him he was going to work late. nothing suspicious; he did have a lot of work. but himchan missed him. he had been working late for almost a week. so himchan packed some food and went to his office to give him a nice meal and maybe some company (he’ll love it, himchan’s sure).
ding ding ding. up up the elevator and he was there. just a few more steps to his office. he didn’t knock (there wasn’t a need to). the door opened slightly.
he saw the outline of daehyun’s body. as he’s about to open the door farther, he saw someone else, with long legs and a strong grip on his hair. daehyun was pulled down; they were all over his desk.
himchan gripped tightly onto his bag (with daehyun’s food) and turns. he made a run for it (it’s too much).
he sat on the couch, eyes dry and dead. daehyun came home and didn’t notice. he kissed him goodnight (he could smell a hint of perfume).
(it wasn’t his)
(it still isn’t his)
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