Title: Stalked (1/2) Author: PI Pairing: Jane Rizzoli/Maura Isles Rating: NC-17 Summary: Maura has an unwelcome admirer Disclaimer: Mine? No, I just like to play. A/N: Grad school is literally killing my brain.
I have to agree with heartsways: that line about the school science fair was so perfectly Maura. I'm jealous I didn't think of it.
I enjoyed your Jane as well. She conveys just the right amount of brash, idiotic arrogance that I love on the show.
Of course I am supremely disappointed that Frost walked in, but then again, a bit of waiting generally thickens the plot. Looking forward to the rest.
Also... Thank you for saving me from the loads and loads of TERRIBLE Rizzoli & Isles fic out there right now. It's refreshing to see an intelligent, interesting piece of work.
Well, that's way better than Jane and Maura walking in on Frost and Korsak. I'm intrigued by Maura's most malevolent stalker and I'm hoping Jane gets to be the one to get him. It's personal, after all.
this is going to sound nerdy but....your useage of hebephrenia and schizoaffective disorder are incorrect. I'm a Pyschology major and it bugged me. lol
hebephrenia is irrational or silly emotionality and schizoaffective disorder is a fancy way of saying someone with schizophrenia also has a mood disorder.
I do love the story though. <3 Please don't hate me. I mean no harm. *hides*
yeah, wikipedia is considered evil in the academic world. lol I live to inform others so they may spread knowledge as fast as people seem to spread stupidity! XD I may have to go tamper with wikipedia now that I know it is the souce of it. >.>
Yay for not hating me! Thanx for fixing it.
In the future you might want to use http://www.dsm5.org as a refernce site. It has all the current DSM-IV information as well as the information for the DSM-V set to be released in 2013. This is the actual DSM site by the American Pschiatric Association.
Wonderfully written and funny as well. The plot is interesting and the personalities of the characters is fantastic. Great job and am looking forward to the next update.
Comments 26
I enjoyed your Jane as well. She conveys just the right amount of brash, idiotic arrogance that I love on the show.
Of course I am supremely disappointed that Frost walked in, but then again, a bit of waiting generally thickens the plot. Looking forward to the rest.
Also... Thank you for saving me from the loads and loads of TERRIBLE Rizzoli & Isles fic out there right now. It's refreshing to see an intelligent, interesting piece of work.
Jane is fun to write because she's a bit cocky.
The scene with Frost walking in is actually what started the whole fic in my head and whole pesky plot started to form around it.
The stalker will be taken care of, after some more tension of course (both sexual and non)!
hebephrenia is irrational or silly emotionality and schizoaffective disorder is a fancy way of saying someone with schizophrenia also has a mood disorder.
I do love the story though. <3 Please don't hate me. I mean no harm. *hides*
I don't hate you!
Yay for not hating me! Thanx for fixing it.
In the future you might want to use http://www.dsm5.org as a refernce site. It has all the current DSM-IV information as well as the information for the DSM-V set to be released in 2013. This is the actual DSM site by the American Pschiatric Association.
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