I know, I`m brilliant at forgetting things, but heres a fic. It`s got nothing to do with HP, for a change, this is actually a Richard/Christoph (Rammstein) fic.... Un-be-lieve-able!
Plus, I`ve no idea how to NOT post the whole thing here, so... Here we go!
Title: Silence Before The Storm
Fandom: Rammstein
Pairings: Richard/Christoph
Category: RPS. Supposed to be fluff/humour (and when it’s me writing it, they’re hard to separate.
Rating: PG-13, for occasional language and a few kisses.
Disclaimer: I don’t know’em and I certainly don’t own’em. I don’t make any money from this and…yeah… Oh, and by the way, one little thing, this is NOT REAL!
Summary: This is basically about Reesh not knowing whether to tell Schneider that he loves him or not. And that, in the R+ camp, nothing can be kept secret. And it gets sooo mushy in the end…
A/N: This is really silly and supposed to be like that, plus a bit…naïve? And cliché! I was in a very lovey-dovey kind of mood when I wrote it. I realise I use `thank God´ and the likes a whole lot in this fic, too much for someone (me) who isn`t even christian. I don`t mean to be blasphemic by doing so, I think it`s just a very normal phrase for teenagers to use. Also, this fic involves no actual superstition, even though it might seem like it. And I know that love isn`t really this easy, but when I write R+, I kind of tend to write by the infamous `we never were the straightest of bands´-rule.
PS: I`m sorry for making Paul seem like a total twat in this one…
I hate fucking silence!
“Richard…?” Paul, naturally. “What is it?”
“I…” I start.
“Because, if there`s something wrong, I`m sure I can listen and try to help.” Here we go…
I`ve been sitting alone out here in the forest for two hours thinking, wanting to talk to someone and wanting someone to find me, but when someone finally do find me, it`s fucking PAUL. So not who I need to talk t… Correction: listen to… Ach…
I sigh and surrender, reluctantly.
“I`m in love.” I think faster than he does. “And no, I don`t want to tell you who it is.”
“Oh… You, Reesh, in love?” Short break. “Oh-kay… That`s worse…”
“But…” I start again.
“But?” He interrupts, again.
“But I`m about to confront the person of matter…”
“Besides, you`ll probably, if not to say most definitely, get to know in a very short matter of time anyway…”
There is an awkward silence and it seems he`s given up.
“No…” I answer firmly.
“You`ve said A, now you`ve got to say B!”
“Come on…” Ooh, “seductive”…
“Who is it? Ah, Constanze? I`ve seen you two talking a lot more with each other lately.” Yeah, but for a totally different reason.
“OK, not her… Who?!”
“Forget it!”
“A=B concept, Reesh. Say yeah, baby!”
“Yeah, baby!”
“Yeah, baby!”
“OK, ok, ok!”
“It`s…Schneider…” I hear myself say.
“Eh, Schneider? Christoph Schneider?”
“Mmm, baby…”
“Earth calling, Richard Kruspe, come in!”
I`d been drifting into daydeams again. I haven`t been talking more than necessary about anything to anyone since I talked to Paul three days ago. He swore not to say, but Ollis look and the fact that he actually spoke to me, proves that Paul hasn`t been entirely quiet. What a surprise…
“Gah?” Is my reaction.
“You`ve been so quiet these past days…”
“Ah, I just…Feel weird…”
“In love?”
“WHAT?!” Still not surprised, but I have to act like I am.
“Tone down, I know…”
“Oh, yeah…” I`ve always wondered how Olli manages to stay so calm in any given situation.
“I`m not your biggest problem. Dude, TILL ain`t your biggest probem! I…eh, think you have to talk to him.”
“Who?!” Now I`m just plain confused.
“Well, Schneider, naturally!” He winks at me and I`m pretty damn sure there was more to that than just approval. And I think I`m getting paranoid…
“It just happened, right?” And along came Flake.
“Eh, ja…” He knows, so why not.
“Pardon me?” I`m really…appalled.
“You and him. There`s always been something around you two. A power, if you like…”
“Oh, really, now? Since when did all of you become psychic?” I say, partially sarcastic, partially in wonder.
“You don`t have to be psychic to listen to Paul. And definitely not to see what`s up with you!”
Woah, three approvals… I didn`t expect that. What the hell is happening to my band?! Well, can`t celebrate yet, I still got Till to confess to. I can clearly hear him going on about suddenly having 2 crazy guitarists and how bad this is for the band and the future. Wait, he must also know already. But wouldn`t he let me know then? I really am losing my mind…
We`re at a party, a release party, not our own, Gott sei dank… I`m just sitting at a table in a corner, silently. Just wanting silence.
“Hey, Reesh!” Till bumps down next to me. “You should have some fun, this is a party, not a funeral!”
Somehow I wish it was a funeral, my own. And ill seems too happy.
“Eh, sure…”
“Richard…” He lowers his voice, sounding almost loving. “Go and talk to him…”
“What? I thought…” This surprised me, really surprised me.
“That I would kick your ass for it? That I would make you wish you never were born?”
“Something around those lines, yes…”
“Why would I? It seemed like something I would do, right? You see, I`ve seen it coming, signs, you changing over time and I knew that I couldn`t prevent the inevitable. I knew it would happen. Then it did, and I believed what Paul said. Imagine that! Till moves in closer and whispers in my ear. “Honestly…I think it`s so damn hot…” He gives a tiny playful lick to my earlobe, confusing me further. “Go!”
“Hey, Reesh! What`s up?” He`s sober, thank God, considering how utterly shitfaced Paul is, but still…
“Catch ya later!” And Paul departs.
“Eh… Can we talk?”
“Oh, sure, my friend!” He puts a hand on my shoulder. Oh, nervousness. We sit down in the quieter part of the party, where there are the type of bin like things that one usually find in pubs.
Another silence, Christoph looks at me awaitingly.
“Christoph, I…” My eyes are cast down. “Over time…Things have happened to me, and I`ve…changed a lot.”
“Yes?” He still looks like he`s ignorant.
“Well, my feelings…for you, have also changed… And those feelings are not of the friendly kind. I mean, I think they`ve crossed the line of what can be considered friendly, by far. I don`t just want you as a friend any longer, I want to be more than that. And I don`t know what to do, because you`re not…” He presses two fingers to my lips.
“Ssshh, my beautiful… I know, you don`t have to say…”
“What?” Why do I always respond by saying that? But he has confused me even more than I already was. If that`s even possible.
“They told me… Don`t worry…” He whispers, then say the words that makes me stop breathing for a few seconds, my heart skip several beats and fall for him all over again.
“I`ve felt it too, and I still do. Unlikely, you might say, but things like this, you falling for me, me loving you since forever, it doesn`t happen for no reason.”
I still just stare at him, like he is talking a completely different language. A tear rolls down my cheek.
“My fallen angel, don`t cry…”He kisses my cheek. ”Believe me, for me, no, for us…”
“I will, I just need to understand, because I though I was going to be alone for ever, loving you in silence.”
“Look at me, Richard. I would never lie to you, never… I promise, if you let me, I will love you for all time…” He puts his hand on my cheek, making me look up, into his eyes. I gather enough confidence to say it. The situation turned out completely opposite of what I expected. But, to the better.
“So… Does this mean you will be mine?” I`m still a bit confused, obviously. “I mean, everything is all right between us?” Like that was better.
“Everything, my once and forever… I wonder how you never saw how I looked at you…”
“I was afraid… I didn`t think I could ever have those feelings from you.”
“You could always turn to me when you needed, I would always listen, always believe you…”
We hear a slight creaking from behind the privacy wall and a very quiet whisper.
“Ssh… Stand still, idiot!” It couldn`t have been anyone else but Till.
Christoph moves closer to me, whispering so softly only I can possibly hear it.
“Let`s pretend they`re not there, ok?”
I nod, he looks deep into my eyes.
“Forget all the loneliness, the cold nights. I am so sorry I didn`t tell you before, sorry you had to live in pain. “ I cut him off.
“Don`t think about it, I know now that you had to live through the same…”
“Ohferfückssake!” We hear Paul whisper. “Kiss him, damnit!” We giggle in unison. “OK, let’s go…” I think and put my arms around his waist, but stop there.
“This is good.” And then it happens, he moves first, though. He kisses me, softly at first, almost innocently. Almost! Then he parts his lips and gently licks at mine that automatically open and our tongues start the devils dance.
“Mmm, baby!” We hear a familiar voice state.