Hmmm. You've got me thinking. On the one hand, I get it completely. On the other hand, it seems like the concept of first and second and third and fourth is problematic in its own right. Maybe what we should strive for is to bring things into alignment so they don't have to take places in line. A lover who respects and supports your relationships with your friends and family. Bringing your friends and family into alignment, all supporting each other and your commitments to each. Then maybe getting to a place where you get joy from each of your relationships, and where giving of yourself to them is a great part of how you find peace and satisfaction. Pie in the sky? Not necessarily. But I do realize that everything I've said is "what", not "how
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*hugs* You are a good, kind, loving woman.. And these are NOT bad traits.. So don't lose those, but you're right, you also have to worry about YOU.. And that is no bad thing.. *hugs*
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Love you sweetie
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