-.- You are such a strange person. By the way, as I can't do it, slap Kendall for having called me while my phone was off. Way to tell someone you want to talk with them. He called me TWO minutes before my class was out. -.-;;;
Hope you're well, you still sound silly, so that means you haven't yet fried your brains.
Oh let's see. I owned ZooKeeper for like 5 days before I lent it to a friend, and just decided to give it to her, cause it bored the crap out of me. AC:WW got really boring for me, pretty quickly...cause I wasn't sure what to do in it after awhile...you just run out of things to do...and thirdly....I GOT SAILOR MOON SEASON 1 UNCUT/UNEDITED! It's FANTABULOUS! Teehee! <3
~ Aww! I really like puzzle games, so Zoo Keeper is going to be with me for a looong time! Hehe XD AC:WW is still pretty interesting, but now I remember why I stopped playing the GC version... lolol Sometimes it feels like a chore. ;p Buuuut, I think it's more fun because Kendall's roommate and another friend of ours both own it. We run around each other's towns. LOL It's great! Haha XD That makes it a lot better, I think.
~ w00000t! SAILOR MOON UNCUT!!!! That's awesome! I want Sailor Mooooon! lolol I remember when Cartoon Network played the uncut versions of a couple seasons. It lasted ALL day, and I taped EVERY episode that came on. lolol I still have it! ... Crap, I should brought it with me. ;p lolol Now I wants me some Sailor Moon. T_T Haha
~I also love puzzle games...I just get bored after awhile. My favourite tetrisy-puzzle game was Puyo Pop! Fever because it was interesting.. ~I have my DS set up with an internet connection...so I can play AC:WW online...but yeah...the typing sucks (I just -need- an actual keyboard. >_>) and my neighbors have it so I had at least 3 others to play it with.. ~You can get the first seasons off of ebay for pretty cheap! Or you can go to www.animeniacs.com (it's for an anime stores that's located -really- close to me!) and buy the seasons from there! But make sure to get Sailor Moon Pretty Soldiers....etc...because they sell and edited and an unedited copy...you do NOT want the edited...cause it's the same crap the had on TV in the nineties...complete with "SAILOR SAYS!" at the end of every episode!
Comments 5
Hope you're well, you still sound silly, so that means you haven't yet fried your brains.
~ Aww! lolol I won't slap him though! ;p I couldn't hurt my dahlink!
~ My brain is probably fried. ;p I wouldn't doubt it. Haha
~ w00000t! SAILOR MOON UNCUT!!!! That's awesome! I want Sailor Mooooon! lolol I remember when Cartoon Network played the uncut versions of a couple seasons. It lasted ALL day, and I taped EVERY episode that came on. lolol I still have it! ... Crap, I should brought it with me. ;p lolol Now I wants me some Sailor Moon. T_T Haha
~I have my DS set up with an internet connection...so I can play AC:WW online...but yeah...the typing sucks (I just -need- an actual keyboard. >_>) and my neighbors have it so I had at least 3 others to play it with..
~You can get the first seasons off of ebay for pretty cheap! Or you can go to www.animeniacs.com (it's for an anime stores that's located -really- close to me!) and buy the seasons from there! But make sure to get Sailor Moon Pretty Soldiers....etc...because they sell and edited and an unedited copy...you do NOT want the edited...cause it's the same crap the had on TV in the nineties...complete with "SAILOR SAYS!" at the end of every episode!
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