[ tentacool 8D ]

Apr 29, 2007 11:53

Omg. I just realised. Tentacool = TENTACLES.

... Everyone clap slowly for Xia.

Don't ask me why I'm thinking about tentacles when I've just woken up.Speaking of tentacles, didn't anyone think "PENIISSSSS" when they watched Doctor Who last night? Anyone? Just me that went "PENIIIIIIIIIIISSSSSSSSSSS THEY'RE MOOOOOVVVIIIIIINGGGGGG!" then? Oh okay ( Read more... )

what?, tentacles, penis

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Comments 6

wellbuggerthis April 29 2007, 11:24:36 UTC



black_dranzer April 29 2007, 11:41:22 UTC
....*claps very very slowly for Xia*

And haha, yes I did think that when I was watching Doctor Who! But I was too busy emoing about how Dalek Sec was no longer a cute proper-Dalek to do anything about it :(


kiraras_lemon April 29 2007, 11:50:33 UTC
Lol wtf? XD

*claps slowly for Xia*


helen_hedgey April 29 2007, 12:56:57 UTC
'Tentacool = TENTACLES'

X to the fucking D!


helen_hedgey April 29 2007, 12:57:21 UTC
Now you're a Pokemon Masta!


viperpaktu April 29 2007, 16:07:32 UTC
Psh, you tentacle, penii loving girl you!! *tackles and hugs* XD


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