Title: Light and Shade
Author: Nicola
Genre: Supernatural, Tragedy
Original Run: Dec. 20, 2007
Izayoi is the daughter of the Chief Magician in the Country of Light, so she is expected to take her father’s place one day. She is a gentle, talented and peace-loving girl. Although she always displays a cheerful personality toward others, but deep down she feels very lonely. Ever since she was young, she worked really hard so that she could please her father and keep up her family’s reputation. She is also an exceptional magician among her peers.
Izayoi and her best friend, Helen, graduated from the Magical Skills and Knowledge Academy and joined the special division of country affairs. Shortly afterward, they were promoted to the Elite Force, and later on chosen as members of the Special Operation Force (SOF). Both of them are promising magicians that were said to lead the country some day.
The Country of Light has an enemy, the Country of Shade. The two nations are constantly getting into battles, with both countries suffering similar casualties.
One day, Roland from the Country of Shade, secretly visited Helen in the Country of Light. He told her that their country wants to recruit her in their army force because their King had noticed her extrodinary abilities. However, she refused this offer due to the fact that she will not abandon nor betray her country and comrades and so he returned to the Country of Shade without fulfilling his duty. Helen told Izayoi about this encounter after Roland’s departure. Izayoi became worried about her friend.
I didn't just use "magic" as an element in the story without any reason,
although it seems childish and non-related to the story,
it actually made the story possible at the end.
I guess you can say this is more of an exposition of the whole thing,
because it doesn't lead much to the main story-line,
though starting from the next chapter it will actually make more sense. ^ ^
please comment your view so I'll have the chance to improve~ thank you!