Username: Jelly
Started: October 14, 2007
Cards: 1140
[Collecting - Twilight...]
[Collecting - Chiropteran...]
[Collecting - Beloved...]
[Collecting - Babysitter...]
[Collecting - Laws...]
[Collecting - Donut...]
Mastered collections [Member Cards...]
x 1
x 25
x 0
x 0
x 1
x 0
x 1
x 1
x 0
x 0
x 0
x 0
x 2
x 1
x 1
x 0
x 2
x 0
x 0
x 0
[Trade Log...]
- traded checkmate19 for hunters07 with AoiElf
- traded ghost13, orphan19, revenge01, revenge11, vortex04, vortex17 for twilight10, donut17, farm14, blackpearl15, maoh05, pearl05 with Windy
- traded nerv06 and membercard for laws14 and membercard with Zombieguy
- took 6 cards and 3 tokens as staff pay (calamity15, starcrossed17, clow06, clow14, fusion17, calamity05, Music B, Science A, Extra Choice)