Who: Lavender Brown.
Where: The Castle Entrance.
When: Early Evening.
What: Bumping into Someone.
This Post Is: Open to AnyoneAfter Lavender had trudged from the castle grounds to the girls' locker room with the rest of the Interhouse Cheer Squad, changed back into an outfit that was very shocking pink and lime green, and applied a little lipgloss
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"Hey," he said dryly, indifferent. Lavender looked tired. He guessed that she was just coming back from one of those moronic cheer squad meetings. What a stupid idea. Noone paid any attention to the cheer squad, unless it was particularly windy and the girls' skirts had trouble staying down.
"You're... obnoxiously cheerful today," he said finally, folding his arms. "I'd ask what the occasion was, but I guess this is the usual for you."
Dismissing the things that she'd heard about him along with the other Slytherins that he tended to hang out with, namely Bridgette Dorny, she nodded cheerfully. "Well, of course! Life is too short to be mopey all the time!" she declared.
"You might be right on that one. I belong to a house full of mopey teenagers, though. Slytherins are mopey. Or broody. We don't have a whole lot of smiling types. Smiling is discouraged."
She nodded once again. "I know! My best friend dated Draco Malfoy for a while, trust me, I know! But one person can change things, if they work hard enough - you can start. If the other Slytherins see you smiling, maybe they'll think it's okay for them to smile too!"
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