It's Daddy Drabbles time!
mrs_spleen and I all wrote drabbles, maybe a little bigger... I can't stay to 100 words, about Prison Break characters and DAD's.
Prison Break characters and their fathers
Prison Break characters as current or potential fathers of their own children
We'd like to inviting all the rest of you who see this to play along too.
Any character you like - lots of people doing the same character is fine - and a DADDY!
Special thanks to
smirky_turkey for making this wonderful banner, the Daddy Drabble default icon AND...
... all these GORGEOUS individual character Daddy icon to inspire loads of great drabbles.
Write your favorite Prison Break character with their their DAD or as a DAD and post your drabble in the comments -- Be sure to put the title in the subject line in case this thread gets BIG - of the this thread.