Title: Lavender Oil
Fandom:Prison Break
Pairing:T-bag/LJ mild
AN: This is for my claim over at PB100. Inspired by alazysod and written for smidgy06. Er, this isn't quiet what you wanted, but here it is.
X-posted: My lj, little burrows, hold my pocket.
Prompt/Claim: 051:Water, T-bag/LJ.
The feel of tepid water splashing against his palm soothed LJ. It had been a stressful few weeks, but he was going to try and relax with lavender oils and nice soak in the tub at the end of the hall. The bathroom door was ajar.
He finished drawing the bath and added some of the lilac tinted oil to the water. He gently closed the door, not wanting to disturb the sleeping habitant in the next room over. His dad and Uncle Michael had gone out for the night to clear up some loose ends in their plan to head to…wherever they were all going. He hadn’t been told yet. They would be gone until noon the next day.
The man from the escape still with them was thin, and petite with a lilting Southern accent. His dad and Uncle Michael referred to him as ‘T-bag’, but he had asked the man himself and was told the man’s name was Theodore. He also hadn’t been told why the man had been in prison, only that he was ‘a very evil man who should be avoided as much as possible’ according to his dad. Whatever that meant, because you can get sent to prison for a great deal of things, and evil is a relative term. People considered his father evil; a drug taking and dealing murderer.
Still, LJ did as he was told, even though from the times they had been in the same room together, he could tell the man had an interesting, sardonic sense of humor. Which he liked in a friend. Theodore was also strangely captivating.
LJ slipped out of his clothes and stepped into the blood warm bathwater. Easing down into the bath, LJ let out a breath he hadn’t realized he had been holding. He started rubbing the back of his neck and the tops of his shoulders, kneading out the tension as best he could, closing his eyes. LJ let the heady perfume of the lavender oil wash over him like a tidal wave of fog.
He rested like that, steady rhythmic breathing and nerves uncoiling, for a few minutes.
Then he felt a cold draft of air whisper over the water and opened his eyes. There was Theodore, raking his eyes over his water-distorted, naked form with a look on his face that you would find in a desperate, starving wolf. LJ shivered involuntarily, getting an odd thrill from that thought.
Theodore licked and then pursed his lips in a deliberating fashion, as if weighing the pros and cons of the situation he had found himself in.
“And how are you this fine evening, Lincoln Junior?”
Theodore always called him that when he wanted to irritate him, and he elongated and shortened the syllables with that accent of his. LJ covered himself with the graying washcloth. There was something about the look in Theodore’s eyes that jarred with the cordial, tranquil tone of his voice.
“I’m fine. You can see that I’m busy at the moment. I’ll be out soon, if you need to use anything.” LJ answered this and was proud of himself that his voice was calm.
Theodore glanced at the washcloth covering LJ and grinned wolfishly, replying “I can see that you are. Would you like my assistance?” drawing out ‘assistance’ with a hiss that reminded LJ of a viper. Something in the pit of his stomach constricted with foreign glee at this, although the reason behind it mystified him.
Theodore edged closer and dipped his hand into the lavender infused water near LJ’s left thigh momentarily, bringing his hand back up and running it through his own hair. LJ swallowed, his face flushing cherry red.
“Well,” Theodore started, stretching out his hand until his index finger was almost touching LJ’s nose, and dribbling some of the remaining water on LJ’s face before ruffling the youth’s hair, “ if you need my assistance on any matter, you know where to find me.” He finished by caressing LJ’s jaw line and cheek before licking the fingers that had touched LJ’s skin one by one as he walked out and closed the door firmly.
LJ sat there, ghosting Theodore’s touch until well after the water turned marble chilly.