Yes, I went to a Tea Party today. It was pretty kickass. However, I realize that since most of my f-list doesn't share my fiscal conservative leanings, so this might not be the post for you, although you are all certainly welcome to post and disagree with me.
I just want to state before I show the pictures that:
1. I blame the Republicans just as much the Democrats for the out of control spending that's going on in Washington right now. George Bush along with congressional Republicans started this bullshit with their bailouts and overblown spending budgets and their reckless Federal Reserve policies. The Democrats (like Barney Frank - who ignored all of the warning signs at Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac) and Barack Obama seem hell bent on making the problem worse. I blame them all equally. I was so pissed at the first bailout done by GW that not only did I call all of my Representatives and bitch, I voted against my Democrat Senator and Republican representative in the 2008 election.
2. I'm not a Republican. I'm not a Democrat. I'm an independent who thinks that both MSNBC and FOX news are full of overblown talking head asshats, and gets her news primarily from NPR and the Wall Street Journal. Right now I'm pretty equally angry at MSNBC for marginalizing a legitimate protest as a handful of racist right winger loons, as I am at Fox news for trying to co-opt and cash in on these protest that have jack all to do with them.
3. I went to law school right across from the capitol building, and in the course of three years, I'd seen a lot of protests, but never one this large or active before. There had to be at least 5,000 people there (MSNBC claims 7000 - I think that's probably a bit high).
Anyway fun protest picture time. And what would a protest be without a giant pig? Actually, it makes for a great place to meet up with people in that big of a crowd, because seriously, you cannot miss the giant freaking pig. I kind of wonder where the giant pig gets stored. Like maybe just sits in someone's driveway, being all large and pink and obnoxious and driving the neighbors crazy.
Some questionable fashion choices. A part of me thinks it takes a lot of confidence to show up in public in a tricorn hat and coat. A part of me is sad that he didn't come entirely in costume with pants and a wig to match.
Definitely the scariest thing I saw all day - old people in mohawks, which apparently was a theme. I have no idea what the hell that was about, but the crowd was too loud to ask.
Some people angry with our Governor (there was a lot of that actually). Given how messed up Michigan has gotten during her eight years in office, I really don't blame them.
Another sign directed specifically at our Governor.
Some people angry with the Federal Reserve giving out cheap money and devaluing the dollar. There were a ton of people protesting this (including myself).
Bailout frustration.
People angry with the president and congress.
People angry about the debt that's going to be passed to the next generation.
And my favorite sign of the day - one that I think sums up how I and a lot of other people felt: