...and I'm still enjoying this game quite a bit although the weaknesses and problem areas are definitely becoming more apparent the longer that I play, especially with two characters at the level cap. Still, I have no intention of unsubbing anytime soon.
Cut for some serious tl:dr and very minimal spoilers )
Comments 8
I really wish they'd add a third faction. Or czerka accountants. Or droids or something. My guess though is that these things will sadly never happen. Which sucks, but I should probably be grateful that they gave us smugglers and bounty hunters at all, even if they are rather shoehorned in.
I suspect they'll never have a neutral faction, either. (Or Czerka accounts. OMG, could 100 hours of leveling be spent reading over corporate documents, looking for cases of fraud?) But, like you said, I'm glad that there are smugglers and bounty hunters, so I can't complain *too* much.
So are there enough "shiny" things like the above for someone who's never been interested in things like PvP? My boyfriend is still in the throes of Diablo III, but if a free trial pops up, I'm sure I could derail him for 30 days.
Free 15 levels sounds smart. It's nicer than a time chunk for people who can't set aside large blocks of time to something.
I think the 15 levels is a pretty good move too. Especially if one class isn't something you like, you can try out the others and see if there's something that fits better. And like you say, it's good for people who play with short chunks of time. I'm not sure when that starts, probably after they stop the massive character transfers they're doing now to fix the population issues, but I think it's relatively soon.
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