Regardless of the stupid babies yay which I figure is an endorsement of the legacy system (even though having children who're playing the story in the same time frame as their parents makes no sense) I still hope they make Scourge romancable after his current obvious companion quest goal gets fufilled.
Also, waiting on HK (and maybe f2p XP boosts) to go back to playing swtor here. Since I'm not a raider and I already have four fifties, things are kinda.... really boring, even with an active guild.
Yeah, I'm not going to lie, I'd totally romance Scourge if they let it happen, even knowing that they'd try to shoehorn marriage and babies in at the end. It sucks that they didn't put it in there in the first place. He seems like a really obvious choice and considering how many boy toons get two romances per class, it's pretty unfair. I don't really have much hope for the continuation of the stories though considering all of the upheaval happening there atm
( ... )
Yes! Go, go, go Agent Crazy Train! (Because no matter how broken poor Tanat is, just try playing a fluffster Agent. Mwah hah hah!!!)
I agree with the disappointment over how many classes just seem to go nowhere. Like...WTF is with trooper so far? There are some moments of genius, followed by long stretches of boring. And JC is only *just* getting interesting as Act 3 starts. *sigh*
Yeah trooper is really hit or miss after act one, although I think I liked that class story overall better than the inquisitor. Both stories have interesting themes that just aren't pushed far enough or used consistently enough. Trooper's got the great idea of being a grunt in the military while all of this big shit is happening around you, and while there are times when it really does a great job with that it doesn't live up to the idea as much as I'd like.
But oh yeah, the agent crazy train is boarding. I feel for the poor dude agent who has been sitting at level 10 for months now. He is *so* screwed.
Yeah, I liked chapter 1. But act 2 is really bleh so far. Maybe I'll like act 3 better. But it does feel like they don't really push the whole "how does life suck as a grunt in a totally disorganized political system" half well enough. (They totally need to throw out hippies who claim you're a baby killer or something. Although I do <3 the people in Balmorra's bonus series who are *still* bitching about how you took their beloved Tanno Vik away from them.)
You should feel sorry for your agent. But it's okay. At some level, I'm fairly sure agents like all the abuse. *nods*
You have the Gauntlet coming up, which I thought is pretty cool and a part of the game I got a big kick out of. And after that, it's sort of aimless again until you get to Corellia and everything starts coming together. The world quest chains on Corellia really complement the class trooper class story too, since it's at the middle of the war. I remember enjoying both of those. Imp side Corellia wasn't nearly as fun on my SI for some reason, although it was okay. I think it was because she was sort of distracted by trying not to get killed by her nemesis at the time, so the world plot seemed kind of trivial to her.
I loved Balmorra on the trooper too and their idealization of an utter dirtbag and they way the just hate your guts when you're a trooper. That was one of the more amusing parts of the trooper story for me.
I'm technically still playing, though I admit to having been seduced by World of Pandas. I dunno how much playing I'll be doing, because there just isn't that much to do after you've seen all the stories through. (Gotta finish Trooper, agent and both Jedi...)
I actually rather liked the SI romance...for some reason it struck me as oddly sweet. (VERY oddly, considering the people involved.) But I liked that the tipping point wasn't sex but "hey, let's go zoom around in space with no particular agenda!"
Yeah as much as I like the new ops (which is really rather neat), there really is not much to do at the endgame unless you raid or pvp. Since I do both, I tend to find plenty of things to do, but I can see why other people really are sort of at a loss after 50. They need some fluff, world events, pets, etc... to give casual players something to do. But I think a lot of those resources have gone into the whole f2p conversion, which sucks kinda hard.
The SI romance was kind of sweet, and I do like Andronikus, but... I dunno. I think it needed more conflict or something. Not necessarily some emo angst or tragic past, but something to spice it up a bit. I did like the conversation where they're just sort of drifting in space. That was pretty cute.
Is that the one about "we two incredibly dangerous people..." I loved that.
MY jk just finished act 2 and she's 38 and underleveled for belsavis. I am having a hard time motivating to grind pvp or anything else to get her to 40... but I will again.
I miss playing bounty hunters with you--I admit the negativity and doom has gotten to me a little--maybe more than a little. I really, really, REALLY want some pvp maps. Warhammer released new maps all the damn, it is just not that difficult to do. I... argh. Okay, deep breath.
Loved act 2 of jk. Maybe I should have seen it coming, but I didn't.
Crazed bounty hunters... can't tomorrow, maybe next week.
It's either that conversation or the one that's right after it. I love that idea, I just sort of thought that it didn't quite deliver. Maybe it's because I payed my SI as mostly lightside and never quibbled about his freedom issues, but there just seemed like there needed to be some conflict or something. It was still fun, I just enjoyed sassing Doc and Jorgan and torturing Corso more
( ... )
It occurs to me that I didn't tell you that my laptop's GPU poofed and BSODed on me this past... Monday, I think it was. So that's why you haven't seen me on at all. My machine can boot into sVGA mode, so while I can't play any games at all, I can still use it.
The replacement part arrived at the post office, so I'll be installing that sometime today. Hopefully I won't screw up and break my machine, because my goodness, there are an awful lot of things I have to remove first to get that bum GPU out. Wish me luck! If all goes well, I'll be playing my BH, xenzharai, who'd just dinged level 40 when my GPU crapped out.
One of these days we really need to get our Sith off Korriban, LOL.
The good news: I can now take my laptop apart. I did so and cleaned out a whole lotta crap from the fan vents, and applied a new layer of thermal paste to the heat sink.
The bad news: the GPU I received is defective. :( So it looks like it'll be a few days to a week before I can play games again.
Oh man, it's always scary to see the gunk that's inside of a computer when you open it up and clean it out, lol.
Booo on the GPU problems, but I'm glad that you've got it partially solved anyway. Once you get it fixed and back in game we should definitely get our sith off of Korriban. Just grab me anytime you see me on (on the imp side I'll probably be playing my operative mostly - Namir) or we can set a time to play if you like. Whichever works.
Seriously, the dust had formed into actual clumps. Which made it easier to clean, I guess, so I really shouldn't complain. It's a six-year-old laptop, which meant six years of accretion to clear out.
Just ordered another one off eBay from a different seller, and this one is manufacturer refurbished, which hopefully means they won't send me a DOA replacement.
Comments 20
Also, waiting on HK (and maybe f2p XP boosts) to go back to playing swtor here. Since I'm not a raider and I already have four fifties, things are kinda.... really boring, even with an active guild.
I agree with the disappointment over how many classes just seem to go nowhere. Like...WTF is with trooper so far? There are some moments of genius, followed by long stretches of boring. And JC is only *just* getting interesting as Act 3 starts. *sigh*
Oh well...
But oh yeah, the agent crazy train is boarding. I feel for the poor dude agent who has been sitting at level 10 for months now. He is *so* screwed.
You should feel sorry for your agent. But it's okay. At some level, I'm fairly sure agents like all the abuse. *nods*
I loved Balmorra on the trooper too and their idealization of an utter dirtbag and they way the just hate your guts when you're a trooper. That was one of the more amusing parts of the trooper story for me.
I actually rather liked the SI romance...for some reason it struck me as oddly sweet. (VERY oddly, considering the people involved.) But I liked that the tipping point wasn't sex but "hey, let's go zoom around in space with no particular agenda!"
The SI romance was kind of sweet, and I do like Andronikus, but... I dunno. I think it needed more conflict or something. Not necessarily some emo angst or tragic past, but something to spice it up a bit. I did like the conversation where they're just sort of drifting in space. That was pretty cute.
MY jk just finished act 2 and she's 38 and underleveled for belsavis. I am having a hard time motivating to grind pvp or anything else to get her to 40... but I will again.
I miss playing bounty hunters with you--I admit the negativity and doom has gotten to me a little--maybe more than a little. I really, really, REALLY want some pvp maps. Warhammer released new maps all the damn, it is just not that difficult to do. I... argh. Okay, deep breath.
Loved act 2 of jk. Maybe I should have seen it coming, but I didn't.
Crazed bounty hunters... can't tomorrow, maybe next week.
The replacement part arrived at the post office, so I'll be installing that sometime today. Hopefully I won't screw up and break my machine, because my goodness, there are an awful lot of things I have to remove first to get that bum GPU out. Wish me luck! If all goes well, I'll be playing my BH, xenzharai, who'd just dinged level 40 when my GPU crapped out.
One of these days we really need to get our Sith off Korriban, LOL.
The bad news: the GPU I received is defective. :( So it looks like it'll be a few days to a week before I can play games again.
Booo on the GPU problems, but I'm glad that you've got it partially solved anyway. Once you get it fixed and back in game we should definitely get our sith off of Korriban. Just grab me anytime you see me on (on the imp side I'll probably be playing my operative mostly - Namir) or we can set a time to play if you like. Whichever works.
Just ordered another one off eBay from a different seller, and this one is manufacturer refurbished, which hopefully means they won't send me a DOA replacement.
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