Vote "No" on Prop 26, Pass It On!

Oct 12, 2011 20:23

Proposed legislation in Mississippi, USA threatens hard won women's rights. (You can read more about it HERE and see a more conservative point of view that still advocates voting no on the proposition HERE) But there is something you can do to help that doesn't require money, or marching, or even a great deal of time - but it can still make an enormous difference!

I'd like to introduce the Say "No" to Prop. 26, Pass It On! video project. Our goal is to present images of real men and women who oppose Prop. 26 and their reasons why - to remind people that this proposed legislation will have consequences that will affect everyday people just like them.

To do this we will virtually pass each other a "Vote No" logo that says, “Vote No on Prop. 26 Because…” And it is up to you to finish that statement on the back of your sign.

It can be with a phrase, short quote, art, original graphic…you name it. It can be words or pictures as long as it’s a reason people should vote "No" on Prop. 26.

We'll be accepting video clips until October 19, 2011. We apologize for the short time frame, but we need to get the video out in time to make a difference before the vote on November 8th, 2011.

Here's What To Do:
1. Print out THIS SIGN.

2. Put your reason on the back of your sign. We recommend putting the reason on a separate sheet of paper and then stapling it to the back of the sign to prevent your reason from showing through the front of the sign.

3. Set up your camera to begin filming. When filming:

a) Reach to your right (your right, not "camera right"), as if taking the sign from the person before you. The page should already be in your hand off screen.
b) Pull the page in front of your chest, with the "Vote No Because..." logo facing the camera.
c) Flip the page to show the other side with your response, and hold it there for about 3-5 seconds so the response can be read.
d) Flip the page back to show the logo.
e) Pass the page to the left as if passing it to the next person in line.

Remember that if you don't want to show your face, you don't have to. Zoom your camera in to just show your hands. If you can't zoom, let us know you don't want your face seen, and we will edit it out in the editing process.

4. Email your video clip to with "Say No, Pass It On" in the subject line.

5. Include your city/state/country of residence in your email, so that it can be included in the video information. Note that we will not include your name, we only want the locations so we can show how this issue affects people all over the country/world.

6. Sit back and wait for the editing team to do their stuff! Once the clips are all edited together and set to music, the video will be posted on youtube and various websites to raise awareness about Prop. 26. The most frightening thing about this proposed legislation is how little the media is covering it. We may also send DVDs to Oprah and The Ellen Degeneres Show.

7. The deadline to submit a clip is October 19, 2011. We apologize for the short time frame, but we need to get the video out in time to make a difference before the vote on November 8th, 2011.

Here is an example of the effect we will be trying to achieve:

image Click to view

Some Other Things to Keep In Mind:

• Each video segment should be 15 seconds or shorter.
• Videos should be shot from the waist up.
• Responses should be kept short and relatively specific. Long responses are difficult to read, and vague ones are not persuasive.
• Responses should be kept clean. No profanity or graphic nudity please. 
• Try to incorporate location specific items, like flags or posters. Or even better, go outside! We will get a lot of inside shots because many people will be using webcams, so if you have the ability to record outside, do It! Especially if you live near recognizable landmarks.

Thank you, and we hope to see you taking a stand for women's rights, in our video or otherwise!

See THIS POST for other ways to help.

Need to contact us? Email us at

!youtube, !activism, !i have a plan, !no to prop 26, !random rl post, !no giving up now, !new project, !remember remember the 8th of november

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