01. Last Cigarette: this mornin
02. Last Kiss: last nite
03. Last Cry: last nite
04. Last Library Book Checked Out: somthin on hitler
05. Last Movie Seen In a Theatre: charlie and the chok factorie
06. Last Book Read: umm....
07. Last Cuss Word Uttered: fuck
08. Last Beverage Drank: wata
09. Last Food Consumed: cheeseburga
11. Last TV Show Watched: will smith
12. Last Time Showered: last nite
13. Last Shoes Worn: flip flops
14. Last Cd played: eminem
15. Last Soda Drank: dr pepper
16. Last Thing Written: a poem i wrote
17. Last Words Spoken: ok go take a nap
18. Last Sleep: last night
21. Last Ice Cream Eaten:blak rasberry
22. Last Time Wanting to Die: last nite
26. Last Big Car Ride: umm..hmpton beach i guess
27. Last Crush: <3<3
28. Last Annoyance: my crutches
30. Last Time Scolded Someone: ummm..cant even remeber
Y O U R S E L F . . .
01. piercings: 3x in ears abd bellybutton
02. tattoos: None
03. height: 5'1
04. shoe size: 6
05. hair color: brownish /blonsish
06. siblings: one old brother
L A S T . . .
01. movie you rented: no clue
02. movie you bought: sapronoes
03. song you listened to: fall out boy ..my heart is the worst
04. song that was stuck in your head: father of mine..by everclear
05. cd you bought: nfg
07. person you've called: rachel
08. person that's called you: andrew
10. person you were thinking of: steve <3
D O ...
01. you have a crush on someone: <3
02. you wish you could live somewhere else: every dam day
04. you believe in online dating: hahahaha no
05. others find you attractive: ummm...prob not
06. you want more piercings: yaaa..i ithnk imm gunna peirce my noxe on tuesday (my 18th)
07. you drink: ya
08. you do drugs: weed
09. you smoke: ya
10. you like cleaning: only when im in a bad mood
11. you like roller coasters: yup
F O R *O R *A G A I N S T ...
long distance relationships: eventually it wont work out
killing people: against
teenage smoking: ...ur choice
doing drugs: im all for weed...but anytihng else ios jus redikulas
driving drunk: wiked against
soap operas: LAME
F A V O R I T E:
drinks: mountain dew, dr peper.cream soda.....vodca and orange juice
things to do: write....drive around and listen to music..
singer: alicia keys
holiday: x-mas
H A V E Y O U . . .
ever cried over a female: mhmmm
ever cried over a male: many a times
ever lied to someone: mhmmm
ever faked an orgasm: yup
ever been in a fist fight: nooo
ever been arrested: No
W H A T. . .
shampoo do you use: avon
shoes do you wear: flip flops
are you scared of: death
N U M B E R . . .
.. of times you have been in love? once
.. of times you have had your heart broken? 3
.. of hearts you have broken? 2 maybe
.. of drugs taken illegally? weed
.. of people you consider your enemies? hahaha..
.. of scars on your body? 1
.. of things in your past that you regret? nutihng