Pictures from the semi-formal.
I am wearing a top hat.
I think I look very nice.
Maybe just nice-nice.
But people should comment, because I like getting ego boosts and I rarely feel comfortable enough to let people see my face.
The extreme close-up. Thank you, Colin.
The imaginary glitter.
My fabulous hat.
Michael's gangsta face.
Formal Vanessa. (I weigh less than her. That's very mean to point out. But I do). Actually, she looked really beautiful at the dance, I'm not sure what's up with the pictures. Because seriously, she was gorgeous.
More hat. Fabulous pose.
More gangsta face.
Vanessa and I. Minus the hat.
PS, spent the night flirting with the teaching assistant who is apparently twenty-one and graduated when I was in fifth grade. However, we had an excellent time mocking people who recite Baudelaire and/or Wilde, none of which attend my school, and dancing near the wall to Usher. Ahaha, the forbidden lesbian love.