"I'm going to wait a while before watching the Matt Smith episodes" - who was I kidding? Eleven, you had me at "Star Whale". Plus, I just realised several things
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You are SOOO going to love season 6. You'll find out just who River Song is, then ;-)
The character River Song was created by Moffat, (as well as the Angels in Blink - which is one of my many favourite Dr Who Eps). Moffat's brilliant! He wrote the episodes of Silence in the Library and Forest of the Dead, and left breadcrumbs for future (or is it past? ;-) :P ) adventures with River Song and the Doctor :D
I have to wait until Season 6?! Steve Moffat, you bastard!
Silence in the Library/Forest of the Dead would totally be my favourte episodes if they weren't followed by the sheer terrifying brilliance that is Midnight.
Blink, by the way, has given me what is likely to be a permanent irrational fear of stone angels.
Moffat also wrote The Empty Child/The Doctor Dances, which is easily the best episode from the Nine era. So yeah, really looking forward to seeing what he comes up with now that he has the whole series to play with.
Comments 4
The character River Song was created by Moffat, (as well as the Angels in Blink - which is one of my many favourite Dr Who Eps). Moffat's brilliant! He wrote the episodes of Silence in the Library and Forest of the Dead, and left breadcrumbs for future (or is it past? ;-) :P ) adventures with River Song and the Doctor :D
Silence in the Library/Forest of the Dead would totally be my favourte episodes if they weren't followed by the sheer terrifying brilliance that is Midnight.
Blink, by the way, has given me what is likely to be a permanent irrational fear of stone angels.
Moffat also wrote The Empty Child/The Doctor Dances, which is easily the best episode from the Nine era. So yeah, really looking forward to seeing what he comes up with now that he has the whole series to play with.
He had me with “Hello. I’m the doctor. Basically… run.”
No, when he was redressing and Amy kept looking (“Are you not going to turn your back?” “Nope.”)
Nah, what really did it was the fish-sticks and custard :P
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