Title: Building A Family (Part Three)
Fandom: Real People
Characters: Keanu Reeves & Sandra Bullock
Prompt: 93. Crisis
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: 2,591
Summary: A baby is born.
Author's Note: Ah, I don't know them. This is just how I think it should be.
I just love the way Keanu looks at me while he's kissing me. )
Comments 13
#1. Elated to see an update.
#2. Squeeish at the banner. (The novelty never dies.)
“The baby,” he said quietly, exhaling hard. “Save the baby.”
#3. Distressed and heartbroken.
He should be just fine
#4. Relieved.
“What? Bogart?!”
#5. Giggly.
“Anders Nathaniel Bullock-Reeves. I love it.”
#6. Mush.
See? Through the wringer and back. Some kind of delicious torture, Katie? ;) Wonderful story once again!
Thank you. :D
Thanks a bunch!
So about the names, did you actually do some research online for the meaning of those names? Anders Nathaniel Bullock-Reeves awww.
Like Bel , I'll also be reading this over and over again. As a matter of fact I'm in the mood of re-reading the three stories again, yes that's what I'll do after I send you this comment.
Thanks soo much Katie *hugs*, this is officially my all time fave Keandra story (Parts 1-3).
I looked up a name that meant strong when I did the story for Hell, and I liked Anders the best. Like Keanu, Nathaniel just sort of came to me. ;)
Cool!! :D
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