Jan 18, 2008 23:02
I want to make a list of things to do in St. Louis.
If you know anything, please post it with the day/time/location.
I'm just really sick of the age old question of "what do you want to do tonight?"
So, tell me what you do every night of the week!
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Comments 8
Eat at one of the 43875934 great restaurants in town.
Go to the great sights: the zoo, science center, history museum, art museum, the butterfly house, the Muny, the jewel box.
Visit Historic St. Charles or Kimmswick
Got to a flea market
Find a good pinball machine.
Go to a concert
Find a trivia night
Cook something!
Take pictures in the park
Break into an abandoned building!
Go bowling
Same thing we do everynight pinky, TRY TO TAKE OVER THE WORLD.
Here's one. It is a two step process.
Step 1. Find a pig
Step 2. Ride it
Play more wow.
See a movie.
Play more wow.
Thats about all there is to do in this area.
I'm a very relaxed player now. I dont play quite as much as I had previously indicated above. I have the self conrol to sit at my desk and do homework, pay bills, or write a paper. Unlike SOME people *cough*Larry*cough* who cannot control their urges. o.0
However, we dont really do much more then what I said above, not because there isnt, or that we dont want to, its just because there isnt enough time in our lives. Like today, I left for work at 7, and go straigh to school, and then have to grocery shop, and probably wont be home untill 10:30, only to go immediatly to bed.
But this town is SO LAME compared to Chicago. THAT is where I want to live.
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