This is a pic spam I made for
whedonland. I'm actually kind of proud and glad I did this.
Anti-hero "is the term used for the main character or figure of any fiction that lacks the conventional and traditional qualities and attributes of hero, but still that character is the main and popular. According to the dictionary, “a protagonist or notable figure who is conspicuously lacking in heroic qualities”."
Spike: Journey Of An Anti Hero
Spike, makes a memorable entrance.
Like many modern anti heroes, Spike takes part in less then heroic activities. In fact, when we first meet him, he is more a villain then antihero, but even then there were hints of another side.
Anti heroes commonly have soft spots that make them more human then the common villain. When we first met him, for Spike, it was Drusilla.
Along the way anti-heroes are commonly thrown onto another path. This brings them out of their selfish world and starts bringing out the decent traits were hidden. For Spike, the start of this was losing Drusilla and getting the chip.
Anti heroes tend to have a dark past. This dark past often is what brought them down, but conquering that dark past, also brings on redemption. Spike, faced this several times in this journey, most notabely in Lies My Parents Told Me. Not only is he being punished for killing a Slayer, he is having to face something that is so horrible that he has blocked out, turning and killing his own mother.
At the end, it is him remembering that allows him to let go of his dark past. This is shown by him shutting off the song that triggers him and letting the slayers son, who just tried to kill him, live.
The Fatal Flaw: All anti heros have them. It is what separates them from being a hero. For Spike it is actually the desire to be loved. He had a big heart, cared for his mother and would do anything he could to keep her from dying. He also wrote poems for the woman he loved and who'd never want him back. He soon found someone else. THIS person did want him.
Being bitten by Drusilla, symbolizes him going to the dark side for love.
LOVE: Love is a common downfall for anti heroes, but it is also often what brings them back!
Even at his evilest, Spike craves love, is willing to give love, but never seems to receive it fully in return. Fighting to get his soul for Buffy, is another step in his journey for love and redemption.
Of course regaining his soul causes pain. He must be sorry for what he has done or it is meaningless.
The final step forward to being the hero. This moment is when they become what they always could have been, but something within them stopped that from being. Spike's reaching this was fulfilled due to his love of Buffy. Like many anti heroes, Spike also gives his life to reach/prove this redemption.
And in this moment that Spike proves his worth, he also finally adknowleges what he had never been able to before, that he is not loved in return. Tragic. A life and afterlife, spent searching for love and he never got it. Our heart breaks for him, but his realizing this is more heroic for him then what actions we are seeing the screen. For the first time, his actions are made because of a pure and unselfish love and not the desire not to BE loved.
Spike's path continues on Angel. Nothing in the Angel final made me more happy then this moment. Spike and William are one in the same. And it is his life as Spike that allows him to fulfill Williams dream/desire to write meaningful poetry.