Our Summer Vacation 2008

Jun 10, 2008 21:07

Day One, Part One
Saturday, May 30th
ACT: Atheists on the Prairie - Konza Prairie Hike Manhattan, KS

I wasn’t sure what size crowd to expect for the Konza Prairie hike as we neared our meeting place. We were happy to see a small crowd waiting for us at the Barnes & Noble parking lot - ready to carpool to Manhattan. Dennis brought a friend (and new face) to the group: Erin. Christy and Steve were already there, Shoeb showed up while we were all talking and John was the last one to arrive. Phil had texted Lee to let him know that he and his family were planning on meeting us there.

We arrived at Konza and started out on our hike at about 10:30 am.

Everyone appreciated the trail in their own way.

We chose the two mile loop.

It was a little hot but a gentle breeze seemed to come along whenever we really needed one - everyone remembered to bring water bottles.

There were at least four of us taking photos. The wild flowers were in bloom.

Along the way some of us noticed a variety of wildlife. Leave it to my son to spot a dung beetle. He snapped a quick pic.

We made it up the big hill...

And turned to take a look back at how far we had come.

We re-group and take a well deserved rest.

A beautiful view of Konza Prairie

The entire group all lined up in a row.
Approaching the summit.
We stopped for group pictures at the Summit. All of the group pictures are on other members cameras :(.

It turned out to be a great hike.

We couldn’t stay and chat after as we had a long drive ahead of us.
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