Ignorance is bliss :D

Apr 21, 2005 22:10

BombayKitten623: ...
BombayKitten623: ok
BombayKitten623: need your help on chinese history
BombayKitten623: because mom told me of this really
BombayKitten623: sad fat
BombayKitten623: *fact
YuzukiChan: ....?
BombayKitten623: is it true
BombayKitten623: that if you worked in the royal palace
BombayKitten623: and you were of very low place
BombayKitten623: and you were male
BombayKitten623: you'd get castrated?
YuzukiChan: ..........
BombayKitten623: so you don't sleep with his many wives?
YuzukiChan: you didn't know that?
YuzukiChan: lol
BombayKitten623: ....
YuzukiChan: the male servants
BombayKitten623: E_E OMG IT'S TRUE?!
YuzukiChan: were all castrated
BombayKitten623: T.T
YuzukiChan: to ensure the faithfulness of the concubines
YuzukiChan: although... >_>
BombayKitten623: E_E
YuzukiChan: there are other males who have access to the emperor's harem
YuzukiChan: xD;
YuzukiChan: but pretty much...
YuzukiChan: the emperor is the only "man" in the royal palace
YuzukiChan: xD;;;
BombayKitten623: ....
BombayKitten623: that
BombayKitten623: is so sad.
BombayKitten623: : ( omg I feel so sad now rofl
YuzukiChan: lol
YuzukiChan: you are so... undereducated
YuzukiChan: xD;;
BombayKitten623: ....
BombayKitten623: WHAT DO YOU EXPECT
YuzukiChan: .....
YuzukiChan: nothing else babe, nothing else
YuzukiChan: :-)
BombayKitten623: xD
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