((OOC! Strengths, Weaknesses!))

Feb 19, 2006 21:46

((Hunnigan has the basic "you are expensive to train, so we make it harder for you to die" skills. She's not so much a field agent. Yes, she can clean, load, and shoot her own gun; no, she can't throw a spear, and we'll all just hope she never has to save herself with a grapnel in midfall.))

((When organizing, she functions more as a second-in-command, emphasizing teamwork and cooperation. She delegates quickly. She knows her role as a support member. She'll take the lead if she must, and do a competent job, but she'll be relieved to relinquish authority when the situation ends. While she understands the value of keeping secrets or being selective about what she says, she also prefers to be sure everyone understands the situation.))

((When the situation begins to turn threatening, Hunnigan will be thinking less about ways to use her surroundings, and more of ways to talk her opponent down. She heavily favors diplomacy.))

((In an emergency situation, Hunnigan's style will be resourceful, trying to take the materials at hand and use them to best results. (The problem with this is that enemies who have spent their time planning how to use their surroundings have already laid plans for said materials. And they're probably throwing them at her.) She tends to think more defensively than offensively.))

((If she has to do recon, she will try to take advantage of machinery and technology first (OMG HUNNIGAN YOU HAX!) She will prefer to appoint someone to go in--while she's capable of opening locks and sneaking past people, she's hardly often called upon to do this, and isn't very confident in her skills. The major advantage in sending Hunnigan in is that she'd know what to look for.))

((In a fight, Hunnigan will be trying to end the fight as quickly as possible. She doesn't enjoy fighting, and will retreat first if possible. She has hand-to-hand training and some skill at grappling, she's got extremely limited ability with a knife, and she's very good with firearms. If you try to hand her a bowgun or a bow when she asks for a weapon, you will just get a funny look. She knows how to take a hit and take a fall. She has a reasonably high pain threshold. While she understands the value of making sure an opponent isn't alive to come after her, she's more likely to try to distract or cripple someone she can't outright kill, and then sprint off.))

((Given her choice of weapons to take into a threatening situation, she'll reach for the big guns, largely because of the psychological advantage she can get. She's only average height and weight, and will take whatever intimidation factor is available. However, in a fight, she'd prefer something with a recoil that didn't knock her around so much.))

((In RE4 instead of Leon, she would likely have died fairly early on. If not against Del Lago, because she's got no spear-throwing skills, she would take a building against the villagers and run out of ammo. A group of colmillos would also kill her if they caught her on the ground. They're fast, numerous, and prone to getting in close. Oh, and in RE4, she wouldn't have been quite so. . . flippy and acrobatic as Ada. She'd see that much cartwheeling as a waste of energy. And it risks the loss of glasses.))

((Hunnigan's favorite color is blue. She also likes silver. The mirrors in her apartment are as much to tell her how she appears to the world as to make the space look bigger.))

((Also not from canon, she's left-handed. I know I threatened to have her be gay just to avoid the Leon entanglements that seem to be something of a trend here. Haven't decided on that, but right now it doesn't matter anyway: she's single and not prepared to be in a relationship due to reality going all bendy on her. However, if she is gay, this will make her a gay left-handed ethic-minority member. Uniqigan! Accept no imitations.))
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